twenty eight - never ever

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"No, I got a text about a double date." She smirked and I couldn't help but blush.

"He's trying." I said softly and she laughed.

"And you?"

"My walls are about as tall as the highest sky scraper here." I shrugged and she nodded.

"That's my girl. Protect your heart." She smiled, and looked over her shoulder.

"I'll see you at the hotel okay?"

"Umm, actually..." I shrugged and she laughed.

"Okay then, I'll see you tonight. Enjoy your New York loft, Carolina Townes." She teased turning to meet Mitch and I waved over at him.

I walked out of the airport and looked around for the car, trying to match the license plate to the one I had been given when I found it. I smiled big and quickly made my way over as the driver got out taking my bags.

"Welcome to New York City, Miss Townes," he said and I smiled hopping in the back quickly and there he was.


The sad thing was, we had just been on the plane together about twenty minutes ago before he got escorted through a separate exit, but yet here I was, swooning over him like I hadn't seen him in weeks.

I closed the door, leaning over quickly and kissing him, he pulled me against him strongly, and surprised me when his lips made their way down my neck.

"Harry.." I whined, letting out a soft breath and he pulled away, his forehead on my cheek.

"I know, I know, I just. Townes, I miss you." He said, before peeking up and searching my eyes.

"I know baby, I do too." I said softly, and a small pink appeared on his cheeks as it had for a while now anytime I called him baby.

He nodded, and gave me one more kiss, more gentle this time, and I smiled against it, "Soon. Okay?"

He nodded and I smiled softly at him.

We got ready for dinner with Mitch and Sarah in the bathroom. It had a beautiful double sink, and he stood over his smoothing out his hair as I finished applying my blush. He as wearing a loose navy top, with fitted black slacks. He had his signature "H.S." rings on one hand, and on the other his lion head ring and the white Gucci one I had bought him.

After Valentine's Day, he hadn't worn it until after we left Dublin, since then he had worn it everyday. No matter what the occasion. He turned to look at me and smirked, "Manners."

I chuckled and shrugged, "I've been skipping out on lessons." I bit my lip, turning to head back in the room. I didn't mean to be a tease, but I also did. I missed, some of his darkness. Just the darkness when he wasn't intoxicated. I just didn't know how to find that without opening all the other doors that came with it.

Harry's POV

I finished my hair then followed Townes into the bedroom. She sat at the edge of the bed, bent over slipping on her heel. She had a tiny black dress on, and I just knew that all she had on underneath was some form of thin lacy underwear, no bra.

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