"She doesnt go to clubs." Zayn said, matter of factly.

"Actually, sometimes, I do." I told them the truth. They cant actually believe that I never went to a party. I mean, I'm already 17, for crying out loud. 

"Well, you're not going anymore." Liam said, smiling as if he was talking to a baby.

"Whatever," I said rollong my eyes. "I've got to go." 

After that, I turned, and left the house. Starbucks wasnt that far away from here, and I'm cure I could walk there. 

Soon enough, I was there, and came in. Court was already there, sitting on a both with three free spaces. I walked over to her.

"Hey," I smiled at her. She stood up, and hugged each other.

"Hey, how are you?" Court asked, while we pulled away.

"I'm good, what about you?" I asked her.

"Good too. It's been so long sice we've seen each other." She said.

"I know right?" I asked her, playing with the locket on my neck. I didnt take it off since my birthday, the day Alice died. "We need to hang out more. Once a week isnt much." I joked in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Totally," she said, rolling her eyes. Her eyes stopped at the counter, and she was analysing what she wanted. "Do you want something?" she asked me.

"Shouldnt we wait for Jen and Ian?" I asked her.

"Nah, they're not coming anymore." Court shrugged.

"Why?" I asked worried.

"Long story." She shrugged again. "What do you want?" she asked, standing up.

"I'll just come with you." I said standing up too. 

"Hey, you're wearing shorts." she said, smiling brightly at me.

"I know. It's actually kind of weird." I said, swaying my hips from side to side. 

"Figured. You always wear dresses or skirts." She rolled her eyes, while we walked to the counter. 

"I know. But I decided I should change a bit." I told her. She shrugged, and ran a hand through her dirty blonde hair. I loved it, it was just so perfect. 

"What do you want?" the lady behind the counter asked us.

"A frappucino, and a..." Court trailed off, and looked at me, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'd like some hot chocolate please." I quickly told the lady, and she just nodded at us pressing buttons on her computer.

"That will be $10,50" the lady said, and we nodded. 

"I've got it." I said, before Court got her money out. Knowing I would win if she said no, she just shrugged and let me pay it. The lady gave me some change and I told us to sit down, because it would be ready soon. We sat down on our table, and started to talk.

"So, what did I miss the past few days?" Court asked, as a worker brought our drinks.

"Well, I broke up with Trenton, was almost kidnapped, went midnight shopping with Izzy... And, oh! Almost forgot! I'm not a free person anymore!" I said, laughing a bit in the end.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"Well, I can sleep where I want, but it has to be either with the boys, or with Izzy. I feel like I'm a ten year old kid, who's parents are getting a divorce. But instead of it being my mom and dad again, its One Direction and Izzy." I shrugged.

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