Chapter 19

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"Is she awake?" I heard a voice whisper in my bedroom.

"Mehh... go away." I mumbled. 

"WAKE UP!" I heard someone shout at me. Lou? I barely opened my eyes, and saw Niall, El, Niall and Izzy there. 

"Morning." I mumbled.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" They all screamed at me. I slowly sat up in bed.

"Thanks guys." I said. 

"Now, go get changed and go downstairs!" El ordered me.

"Do I wear something formal?" I asked.

"No. Wear something cute because we're going out." Izzy said.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter." Izzy said pushing me into my walk-in closet. "Just wear something cute." 

They all left running downstairs, while I was left in my closet. I went to my bathroom, locked the door and quickly stripped off my clothes. I let the warm water take over my body for a while. I shampooed and conditioned my hair. I got out of the shower, and closed the tap. I quickly wrapped a towel over my body and went to my closet again.

I looked at my clothes for a while. Where the heck are we going? Izzy said for me to wear something cute. Um... I think I'll wear the blue dress I bought yesterday. Guess that would be ok. I put on the dress and went to the bathroom dry my hair. After that was done, I curled up my hair, and got my brown boots, put on some make-up and finally went downstairs. 

As soon as I reached the stairs I heard people shouting coming from the kitchen. I quickly ran downstairs and when I got there, no one noticed I was there. They just kept aruguing. I went to the fridge and got some lemonade. 

"GUYS!" I shouted closing the fridge's door, with lemonade in my hand. They all stopped and looked at me. "What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing." Zayn said. I gave them a 'i-know-something-happened' look. 

"Ok. So, Lou wants to take you out to go to the lake, while I want to take you to the mall." Izzy said. 

"The lake?" I asked Lou. The lake was a place we would always go when I was younger. But when he left, I never went there anymore. Lou nodded. My eyes were filled with water, but I quickly blinked it away.

"So, what about you all let the birthday girl decide?" Angie said. 

"Thanks Mommy." I said. If she was dating Daddy Direction, she has to be Mummy Direction, right?

"What about I go now to the Lake with Lou, then Izzy takes me to the mall afterwards." I suggested. Everyone seemed to agree. 

"What about me?" Niall asked. I hadn't seen him there.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"I want to take you out for dinner." he said moving closer to me.

"Ok." I said. We were now very close. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck and kissed him. 

"EW... NO PDA!" Lou screamed. Niall and I pulled apart from our kiss. 

"It's her birthday!" El said. 

"Now, let's go!" Liam said. I gave him a confused look. 

"The boys are taking you to the lake, and us girls will take you to the mall." Angie explained.

"Oh. Ok then!" I said. Well, they decided it.

"Can we go now?" Lou asked.

'Ok. Lets go!" I said. Then, all the boys gave their girlfriend a kiss good-bye, and Niall took the opportunity to kiss me.

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