Basically Grounded

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The next day when I awoke, I just decided to hide away in my hut. 

Nobody wants to see me anyways.

I sighed quietly and swayed my tail back and forth. The crystals at the end made a small clinking sound as I did so.

"Crystal?" A voice called from outside.

"Reya? Come in."

I looked over at the girl as she walked in.

"What's up?"

"Tuk wanted to swim with you. Care to join us?"

I smiled and rose to my feet.

"Sure. I can practice my Ilu form while I'm at it."

Tsireya smirked at me.

"Do not overdo it. I would hate for you to drown."

"What makes you think I'd drown?" I followed her outside.

"Na'wei told me you needed saving the last time you attempted it."

I scoffed, "I could've made it just fine. Na'wei was just exaggerating."

"Sureee. I totally believe you." Tsireya grinned at me. I scowled back at her.

"I can't tell if you do or don't actually have faith in me."

"I have faith in all. I do train children after all." Tsireya looked forward and stopped once we reached our destination. 

All of the Sully kids were in the water, and further away, I noticed, Tonowari and Jake were doing their own training. Jake was mounted on a Tsurak.

Good luck with that..

"Crystal!" Tuk waved from the water. "Come in!"

I looked over at Tuk, a smile lighting up my face.

"Coming!" I made my way into the water with Tsireya. She, of course, beat me to the others.

Lo'ak and his brother hovered close together. They eyed me as I approached. 

"I am sorry that I did not introduce myself last night." The older brother said. "My name is Neteyam."

I shot him a smile, "It's very nice to meet you, Neteyam. Don't worry about last night. My visit was unexpected."

Neteyam nodded before looking away. Lo'ak leaned over and whispered into his ear.

I focused my attention back on Tuk.

"Heya, kid! How's your swimming coming along?"

Tuk grinned at me, "Probably better than yours."

I feigned hurt. "But I'm so good at it! Surely you're not better than me already?"

Tuk giggled, "Just watch!" She began swimming awkwardly with her tail flailing behind her.

"Tuk, do not forget that your tail is key to good balance." Tsireya called out to the girl.

Tuk immediately fixed her tail and earned praise from Tsireya. "Nicely done!"

"Oh no! You can swim better than me." I pouted. "Maybe you should be my teacher instead."

Tuk stopped and looked back at me. "Nope! Reya is the best teacher."

Tsireya giggled.

I sighed heavily, "Fiiine." I crossed my arms in mock defeat.

"Crystal, can we see your ability?" Kiri spoke up.

"Hmm.." I looked over at Tsireya for permission.

Tsireya nodded at me, "I would love to see."

I shrugged, "Okay, then."

Everyone's focus was immediately on me. I cleared my throat nervously and closed my eyes. I thought about Na'wei and their shape and slowly changed into an Ilu. 

I heard a gasp from Tuk.

"So cool!"

I opened my eyes and looked around at everyone. They looked a bit shocked.

Lo'ak moved towards me first.

"How did you do that?"

I cocked my head at him, unsure how to answer.

"It is her ability." Tonowari's voice sounded closer than where I'd seen him.

I turned my head and saw that he had approached with a crestfallen Jake, who was cradling his hand to his chest.

"Hello, Father." Tsireya greeted.

Tonowari nodded to his daughter.

"Ability?" Neteyam asked.

I decided to just swim in circles around them since I couldn't answer. I listened as Tonowari explained to the best of his ability.

Tuk giggled as she watched me.

"Can I have a ride?"

I stopped next to her and clicked happily. I nuzzled her cheek gently so as to not scratch her with my crystallized flesh.

"I do not think that is wise." Tsireya placed a hand on Tuk's head. "She almost drowned last time. Na'wei had to save her."

"What?" Tonowari gave me a worried look.

I shot an annoyed glare at Tsireya before looking at Tonowari. I quickly looked away when I saw the look he was giving me.

"Sounds to me like she just needs practice." Jake spoke up for the first time. "With company of course." He gave me a stern look.

I glanced at him and made a sad clicking sound. I winced when my form shattered. I closed my eyes and rubbed my head.

"Are you okay?" Tsireya asked, concern lacing her words.

"Just a headache.. I'll be fine."

" should take a break from your ability for a while." Lo'ak spoke up.

Tsireya smiled at Lo'ak who quickly looked away.

"He is right." Tonowari moved forward. "No changing for a few days."

I gave Tonowari an exasperated look.

"What?? How's that fair? That's like saying you're not allowed to swim."

"It is for your own good. Your body needs to recover."

I crossed my arms but didn't argue with him.

Tonowari looked at his daughter.

"Keep up the good work." He glanced back at Jake. "Come. I will get your hand fixed up." 

I watched as the two left before looking at Tsireya.

"So, we gonna swim or what?"

A/N: Tonowari basically just grounded you, girl. Good job. 😂

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