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Reya led me towards one of the bigger huts in the village. Every Na'vi we passed stopped to stare at me. I flicked my tail nervously and looked at Reya.

"Um, everyone is staring." I whispered to her.

She cast a glance in my direction. "They are just curious. Give it some time." She looked forward as we reached the hut. "Wait here." She disappeared inside.

A male Na'vi walked up behind me and yanked at my tail.

"What is this supposed to be?"

"Ouch!" I spun to face him and he smirked at me. I scowled in return. "What was that for?"

He shrugged, "Because I can?"

"Ao'nung, are you causing trouble again?" A male voice sounded from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see who spoke and immediately tensed up. He was breathtaking.

Ao'nung grimaced and looked away, "Of course not, Father.."

I turned around to face the boy's father. "He..He was just introducing himself."

His piercing, blue gaze slid over to me. "Do not stand up for him. He knows better. Tsireya," he looked at his daughter, "take your brother so I can speak with our guest."

"Yes, Father." Reya walked over to Ao'nung and went to grab his arm, but he quickly pulled it away and walked off. She sighed and followed.

"Please, come inside so we may speak in private." He held his hand out towards his hut in invitation.

I nodded and quickly made my way inside. A very pregnant Na'vi made eye contact with me and then hissed. I stopped.

"Ronal, my love, please contain yourself." The male Na'vi brushed past me and moved over to his mate. She whispered angrily to him.

I crossed my arms and looked away.

This is awkward..

The male cleared his throat, "Crystal, was it?"

I looked back at the couple, "Yes."

He nodded, "I am Tonowari and this is my mate, Ronal."

I gave them a small smile, "It's nice to meet you."

Tonowari nodded and motioned to a cushion.

"Please sit. We have much to discuss.

Indeed we do.. I made my way over and sat down. I curled my tail up onto my lap.

Tonowari and Ronal sat across from me.

"Why are you here?" Ronal hissed. Tonowari placed a hand on her leg in an attempt to calm her.

"I ran away from my captors."

"The Sky People, correct?" Tonowari questioned.

"Yes. Apparently my father didn't want me to die along with our planet, so he paid them to take me with them. They..changed me in the process."

Ronal frowned, "He sounds like a bad father. If he truly loved you, he would not have sent his precious daughter off to another world."

I shrugged and cast my eyes downwards.

"He really only ever cared about his money."

"Whatever this money is, it should not be more important than his own blood." Ronal placed her hand on one of mine. "You did not deserve that life."

I looked up at her and gave her a small smile. "Thank you."

"Tell us about yourself, Crystal. Why did the Sky People make you different?" Tonowari questioned.

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