He walked towards her slowly "Happy birthday, little snake!" he gave her the bouquet. After she took it, blushing slightly, he leaned down a little and kissed her cheek. That made her red as a tomatoe. She was sure the flowers on the crown were glowing a BRIGHT pink.

Thankfully Cedric didn't notice; or so she thought.

"So..." he extented his arm for her "...shall we?"

"Yes, Mr Hufflepuff." she chuckeled, linking her arm with his.

They walked for what seemed a while tocthe Slytherin. She didn't think about where they were going exactly. She couldn't think at all because of his gesture minutes ago.

"Here we are." she felt movement beside her, which brought her back to reality. When her eyes focused on what was around her, she was left amazed; a round table with plates that already had food, two glasses with some sort of drink in them and flowers all around them.

"Wow." she said, taking everything in. She then turned towards the Hufflepuff "Did you do all of this?" she asked, eyes wide, about to pop out.

"Yea." he chuckeled, walking towards the nearest chair. He gestured towards it, telling Y/N to sit. She did just that and he pushed the chair a little more towards the table. Moments later he was seated too, looking the girl in front of him in the eye.

"When did you have enough time for ALL of this? Last time I saw you was just-"

"-yesterday. Yea, haha. Turns out you can do LOTS with the help of two certain redheads. They are not good at just pranks, turns out."

"Wait a min- Fred and George helped you? I talked with them today and said nothing." she lightly frowned.

"Of course. I told them to not mutter one word about this as it was a surprise." he said. He shifted one of his hands to be able to take her hand in his, interlocking fingers.

"Guess we won't need to head back to dine with the others." she smiled, admiring the boy's face. That handsome face.

For the next hour they ate and talked about the funny things that happened that year at Hogwarts, what they though awaited them in the next one and what they would do during the summer holiday.

"Wow. I am so full." sighed Y/N, leaning back a little in her seat, placing a hand on her stomach. "I feel like I will explode anytime soon."

"Told you not to drink so much butterbeer." Cedric laughed. "Want to take a walk around the grounds? Think that will make ya feel a little better?"

She nodded, getting up slowly. It was slightly chillier than when they arrived; the wind blowing. Cedric took off his jacket and put it around the girl. She thanked him, blushing, taking his hand.

"Such a nice night, isn't it?" the boy asked, looking at the glowing moon.

"Indeed." the Malfoy agreed, taking a slight glance at the boy next to her before looking at the moon. "It is beautiful."

"But I know something more beautiful." he said, looking at her.

She looked him in the eye in return. She was about to say something when something moved in the bush near them, getting the attention of both.

Cedric moved in front of her, wand ready. Y/N also took her's swiftly, eyes fixed on the bush. The two moved slowly towards the bush.

"Incendio" said Y/N and set the bush on fire. Two figures jumped in fear; George and Fred Weasley. She looked at the two in exasperation "Are you guys kidding me?"

Seconds later, after an awkward silence, they all started laughing.


𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now