Jurda, Coal and a Goat

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"Stop what?"


"And what is that, exactly?"

"Following me"

"I'm not following you, just making sure you didn't miss anything" Leo shrugged as she scoped the ground below,

Inej huffed "we would finish this a lot quicker if you scoped the other side and I did this one"

"Okay, and if we miss something? Who's gonna tell us? Your saints?" Leo scoffed, rolling her eyes at the girl in front of her,

"Do you actually believe in anything?" Inej quipped,

"Somethings" she shrugged,

"Like what?" Inej turned to face the girl, she watched as Leo scoped out the ground, most likely figuring out anyone she saw.

Leo made no comment to reply, just turned from the girl, heading towards the entrance,

"We're done here" Inej briefly heard her and she too followed to the girl down.

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

"All clear" Inej told Kaz as they jumped down from the tree above, Leo rolled her eyes,

'Commands like a soldier'

"This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole Sun summoner plan" Arken commented as he sauntered to stand at Leo's side, Jesper to her right,

"That ain't gonna fly well" Leo mumbled to herself, proving herself correct when Kaz gave the coldest glare to the Conductor,


"Point proved" she muttered,

"We're in this now. And I know what a million Kruge means to me. What does it mean to you?" He turned to Inej who was next to Jesper,

"Freedom" she replied with no hesitation,

'Someone desperate to fly free'

He turned to Jesper "Fun. Like, at least a few months" Leo gave an amused smile,

"Leverage" Leo shrugged when Kaz turned to her, he was rather curious what she would want,

"Retirement" Arken answered,

Kaz nodded "right, so we press on. You get us across the Fold and I'll figure out the rest on the other side"


Arken took out a checklist, "to cross, I'll need 20 pounds of Alabaster coal. A peck of Majdaloun Jurda- um, not the kind from Kerch. It's too weak, and uhh..." he looked at Jesper "a goat"

Jesper made a face, "now, we meet in the dead of night. There's a wreckage of a skiff northeast, on the edge of town. So, who gets what?"

Leo spoke up "I know where to find the Jurda"

Everyone looked her way, she put her hands up in surrender "what? I travel!" She said defensively and shrugged,

Deadly Little Leo - Inej Ghafaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن