You're so pretty, it hurts

Start from the beginning

"We're already halfway there." Devon cackled

"Shut up! You're not funny." Jake rolled his eyes

"Are you up for an adventure today? We don't have to go anywhere if you don't want to. We can just stay here all day and cuddle, maybe talk about vampire diaries for hours." Devon laid his head on his shoulder

"No, I want to go to class. I think anything would be better than sitting up here feeling sorry for myself." Jake squeezed his hand

"You wouldn't mind being a little late, would you?" Devon smirked

"What's going through that head of yours?" Jake smiled

"The mind is a wonderful mystery." Devon hovered over him, giving him a peck on the lips

"On second thought, class can wait." Jake tugged on Devon's tie, pulling him forward and giving him a firm kiss on his soft lips

15 minutes after sister Sarah's class began, Jake and Devon walked into the classroom, trying their best to ignore everyone's eyes glued on them

"Mr Wheeler and Mr Evans, would you care to explain why you're late to my class?" Sister Sarah crossed her arms

"It's really none of your business." Jake snapped

"Excuse you?!" Sister Sarah gasped

"You heard me. Besides, you're the one holding up class time worrying about what we're doing. Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." Jake frantically replied, looking around the room to find Lexy giving him a thumbs up

"Just sit down." Sister Sarah demanded

"You're the one trying to embarrass us in front of the whole class." Jake rolled his eyes, taking his seat and throwing his head down on the desk

"Mr Evans, care to add anything to this conversation?" Sister Sarah asked

"No, Jake already made everything perfectly clear." Devon snorted

"Take out your notes from yesterday's lesson." Sister Sarah said

While sister Sarah was muttering things under her breath, Nadine was busy staring at Lexy, who kept cursing once the tip of her pencil broke. Tapping on her shoulder, Nadine handed her one of her pencils, melting at the sight of her smile

"Thank you, Nadine." Lexy nodded

"Not a problem. I had a question to ask you, but I didn't know when the right time would be." Nadine nervously twiddled her thumbs

"Okay, what is it?" Lexy asked, holding back a smile once she saw how nervous she was

"Would you like to go out sometime? Like put on a movie and maybe grab a butt load of snacks to eat?" Nadine asked

"What, like a date?" Lexy perked up

"Yeah, I guess that's what I'm trying to say." Nadine stuttered

"Uh, yeah! That'd be great, count me in." Lexy rambled, dropping her pencil on the ground

"I got it." They both said simultaneously, bumping their heads once they got up from the ground

"Looks like I'm not the only klutz in this school." Nadine joked, gently rubbing the red mark on Lexy's forehead

"That makes me feel so much better, raggedy Ann." Lexy jokingly rolled her eyes, watching a small smile form upon her lips

After class ends, Nadine meets Lexy at her locker and stares at her in admiration, jolting back to reality once someone bumped her shoulder

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