Figuring it out(11)

Start from the beginning

Josie: sorry

Hope: there's definitely no need to apologize about I just want to know where we stand and if you want to do this

Josie: I do I really do

Then a thought comes to my head and I can see flakes of gold and I growl

Josie: Hope are you ok

Hope: are you still with flinch

She looks at me shocked and confused

Josie: no when I left we broke up I never talked to her after that

Hope: so wait let me get this straight when you left you broke up

Josie: yeah why

Hope that lying son of a bitch (laughs) she has been going around saying the she's your girlfriend like today she said that she can be in the friend group because she's your girlfriend Lizzie roasted her then she said something about my family and tried to hit me but I dodged it and knocked her cold


her eyes turned pitch black Oh shit

Hope: hey Jo calm down

Josie: I'm going to kill her

She tries to leave but I grab her quickly

Hope: Hold on Jo

She tries to fight so I pull her farther from the door and we fall on the floor with me on top of her


Andrea appears

Hope: help me

Andrea: (laughs) well this happened quicker then I thought it would

Hope: me I don't know what to do

Andrea: (sighs) kiss her

Hope: how's that...

Andrea: just do it

I kiss her and she stops trying to get away and kiss me back I pull away and see her eyes back to normal

Hope: (sighs) finally what happened

Josie: I don't know I just got all angry and what to kill someone

Andrea: it's the bond

We look at her

Josie: what

Andrea: the bond is happening quicker then I thought which is good but it's supposed to affect mom first unless you were triggered and you were

Hope: wait how you know she was triggered

Andrea: first of all that's the only reason and I saw everything maybe too much ewww

I roll my eyes and get up and help Josie up

Hope: so what do we do

Andrea: that's kinda up to you I will be here everyday except this Friday but mom you will start to feel some if momma is hurt or she needs something or if someone threatens or gets to close to her your wolf will be triggered by that and become possessive and territorial also...

We stand their and wait for her to finish but she's taking too long

Hope: also what

Andrea: (laughs) you will look and start to feel different

Hope: how

Andrea: um since your the alpha and more dominant in a the mate bond if they have the same gender you will start to change so your able to produce...basically what I'm saying is you will grow taller then momma and you will have a penis basically you will turn into a guy kinda

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