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The lions returned and the rest of the houses just rolled their eyes when Ronald Weasley walked up to the Slytherin Table and yelled at Harry .

"How could you be so heartless , Hermione almost died !!! You couldn't even save your friend "

"S'cuse me Mr . Uhm Weasley i suppose , i do not this  ' Hermione'  so yea kindly leave me alone "

The Weasley huffed and Draco sneered
"Why Weasley , trying to be a bit famous by befriending the 'boy who lived ' "

"Shove off Malfoy " saying this he left

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It was their first DADA lecture and unfortunately it was - Gryffindor and Slytherin

"Good Morning students , for start ups I'm Professor Tyler Gaunt , anyways I'm not gonna bore you people like Binns , believe me I slept through every of his lectures " the Proffesor said with a laugh .

The students looked exited and happy to see that DADA was gonna be fun.

Harry heard some whispers going about saying that the Professor was a Mudblood .

"Uhm no I'm not a Muggleborn Mr.Weasly and nither am i a Halfblood Ms . Granger , my parents just named me such , i am a pureblood plus this whole blood thing is nonsense "

To which there many 'agreed' noises coming from the Slytherin side .

After the class Harry smirked and walked up to the Proffesor

"Hey uncle Tom ! "

"How !?!?" Replied the man in mock agony

"It is impossible !?!" Continued Tom

Harry cracked and laughed

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It had been a few days since the incident and Hadrian had decided to tell stuff out to his three friends of course with the permission of his godfather .

"So w-wait y-your Godfather isThe DARK LORD!!!!!!!!" Said Draco 'calmly'

"Mhmm " hummed Hadrian as he chewed on his green apple .

"And you're telling me you are the heir to Hogwarts and can claim the titles " added Blaise 'calmly'

"You're telling me that it was Dumbledore in the other timeline that caused this Dumbledore to be screwed " said Theo while chuckling

"Yea !!! I know right " replied Hadrian while in fits of laughter.

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( Dinner starts at 7:30pm in my au so please bear with it )

The Gryffindors had their tryouts that day hence all of them were late even first years because they wanted to see the whole ordeal .

Fred ,George and Neville  were the only three Gryffindors who didn't go . They and the rest of the students became quick friends and the twins got to know about what happened during Halloween .

"So wait you're telling me -"

"Snape has a soft spot -"

"For children " finished both Fred and George

"Why aren't we in Slytherin " whined Fred

" Same question honestly " said another more mature voice behind them

They both jolted as they were startled by Snape who was smirking

"Honestly Mr. Heir of Hogwarts now i believe you have some tricks up your sleeves "

"Your godfather is not the best at hiding secrets " he added

The twins and rest of the houses looked confused and he explained everything

"Oh so that's why I felt like i knew i was going to be in Ravenclaw and my sister in Gryffindor " said Parvati

"Yea" replied Hadrian

"Ok so it's confirmed we're calling him Hade from now on !" Exclaimed Cedric who was like an older brother to Hadrian

The hall erupted in laughter ( including Hadrian ) . After calming down Hadrian chose to Mock glare at his godfather and head of house to which people yet again started laughing .

"Oh hush now , c'mon don't waste the Elves Hard work "

"Sure thing Mr.Heir of Hogwarts oh sorry Hade " remarked a Hufflepuff before people started eating .

Contrary to belief Hufflepuff's were brave and confident but didn't always show it

Everyone sat according to their House as they heard heavy footsteps

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The Gryffindors arrived and sat at their house table but not before glaring at the Slytherins.

"Hey you Hufflepuff "  roared Thomas Dean at a Hufflepuff Girl.- Susan

"Yes ?" Replied Susan

"Don't talk to me in that tone and now complete my Homework "

"No"replied the girl coldly

"What did you say again " yelled the boy while standing up

"I said no " repeated Susan in a dark and cold voice

"Oh shut up you puff ! Who even supports you" came the voice of Seamus Finnagen

Then the Slytherin , Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students got up and surrounded the Susan

"Ooo look out of pity people are standing beside you Susan" mocked Ron

"For the record Dean , Finnagen and Weasley my last name is bones " smirked Susan before sitting down and the other students following

The three were frozen , they had messed with a relative of Amelia Bones a prominent Political Figure known for her true , just and non biased judgements .

The rest of the Gryffindors glared at the three especially Hermione , after all they needed to befriend Harry

Neville smirked .

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Neville only pretended to be weak , he was not the best yet he was actually a Slytherin .

"See the thing is that my gran hates Slytherin k and i was destined for it and so i had to plead the hat into putting me in Gryffindor" explained Neville

"Have you told Snape " asked Blaise

"I did actually , he counts me a snake and for lighting up the mood he said i could become a spy !!" Ended Neville with a dramatic accent

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