The Further Adventures of Little Bunny Foo-Foo

Start from the beginning

"Hello there field mice

What do ya think of me?

I am Goon Foo-Foo

Now try to run and flee"

The field mouse village was destroyed. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo eyed his handy work and smiled. He thought that the Good Fairy was a fool to think that turning him into a goon would teach him some sort of a lesson.

After he had finished marauding through the mouse village, Mr. Goon Foo-Foo had worked up an appetite. He decided to go into town to get something to eat. He came to the town limits near a bridge and saw two children twirling around playing a game. Little Bunny Foo-Foo loved to play games, but he had forgotten that he was no longer a fluffy bunny. He approached the children hopping along and smiling. When the children saw him coming, they picked up rocks and yelled,

"How dare you be so bold

You ugly nasty troll

Run away, go away

You're not welcome any day!"

The children threw the rocks at Goon Foo-Foo and one hit him in the leg. He hobbled away down the road into town.

Although the children had hurled rock and insults at him, he didn't pay attention to the warning hidden within their message. Now, after his escapade with the children, he was hungrier than ever. He found a tavern and opened the large wooden door, entered, and sat down at a table. Them scent of roasted chicken being cooked floated into his nostrils: he could eat the air; it smelled so delicious .

When the proprietor appeared from inside the kitchen, Mr. Goon Foo-Foo waved for him to come over. The proprietor saw him and grabbed a large broom and hollered, "Get out of my tavern you filthy beast. We don't serve your kind here. Out, I say!" He pushed Goon Foo-Foo out into the street and bopped him on the head three times with the end of the broom. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo now thought of the Good Fairy's curse and was beginning to regret his recent rampage into the mouse village.

By this time word of Mr. Goon Foo-Foo had spread throughout the town. People were coming out of their houses with pitchforks, sticks, and stones. The mob spotted Mr. Goon Foo-Foo and chased after him. He ran toward the house of his best friend Little Miss Cutesy Rabbit and knocked on her cute, little, pink door frantically. Little Miss Cutesy Rabbit came to the door and saw a goon standing there. She yelled out, "Goon! Help! Help! There's a goon at my door!" She put her hand up to her head, swooned, and then she fainted. The Good Fairy's words played back over and over in his head. His best friend, who happens to be a girl, swooned and fainted at the sight of him. He ran away out of the town and into the forest.

Mr. Goon Foo-Foo hid out the entire day. He decided that he would wait until it got dark and then would sneak into the town to find a bite to eat. Darkness fell as the moon rose high in the pitch black, starry, sky. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo was ready to walk toward the town, but heard voices coming closer. He climbed a tree and waited. The voices grew louder as he saw a group of townsfolk walking around the forest searching for something. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo knew that they were looking for him and decided to stay and hide out in the tree until the coast was clear.

While he sat in the tree, Mr. Goon Foo-Foo realized how exhausted he really was, and fell fast asleep. When he awoke he saw that the forest was silent and so he climbed down from the tree. He walked further into the forest and came to a cool, flowing, stream. After fleeing the mob his hunger had turned to thirst, so he walked towards to the gushing water. As he stepped forward he heard a loud snapping noise and felt a sharp pain in his foot. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo looked down and saw that there was a metal contraption around his ankle. The townsfolk who were in the forest had set a trap for him.

Mr. Goon Foo-Foo tried to loosen the trap, but could only cry out in pain. He didn't care if the townsfolk heard him either; the feeling was excruciating. He yelled so much that his voice became hoarse. Finally, out of breath, he stopped his caterwauling. When he regained composure and surveyed his surroundings, he saw that there was a little bronze mouse standing there observing him.

The little mouse had its hands on its hips and was shaking its head. The mouse leapt upon Goon Foo-Foo's leg and in a teasing manner sang,

"You destroyed my village

In nothing but a snap

Now you cannot pillage

Because you're in a trap"

"I hope you are satisfied with yourself. Where did you come from anyway? We haven't had goons and ogres around here for at least a decade or so."

"Well.... I was once known as Little Bunny Foo-Foo. But, because I harassed your village by scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head, I am now a goon. The Good Fairy turned me into this. I wanted revenge, and thus, I destroyed the village."

Mr. Goon Foo-Foo put his head down in shame. The little bronze mouse stood there and thought about what it should do. After a few minutes of deep thought, the little mouse began to walk away. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo began to panic. If he didn't get out of this trap, the townsfolk would find him and do who knows what with him. He wondered what had happened to the other goons who had come before him. He yelled out to the little mouse, "Wait! Please wait. I am sorry. I was wrong. Please help me. My leg is throbbing. If the townsfolk get me, they may hurt me. Please!"

The little mouse told Mr. Goon Foo-Foo that it would assist him on one condition; he had to go and help rebuild the mouse village that he destroyed. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo agreed. The little mouse jumped on top of the trap and worked one of the screws until it let loose. Goon Foo-Foo did the rest and was out of the trap. He thanked the little mouse and kept his promise. As he and the mouse arrived in the village, he saw what he had done, and was ashamed of himself. There were damaged houses and little mice everywhere, weeping.

"Little field mice....Please forgive me for how I have wronged you. I didn't understand how it felt to be bullied and discriminated against. I am sorry for the trauma that I have caused. And it is because of this, that I am rebuilding your village for you."

Mr. Goon Foo-Foo went into the forest and chopped down a few trees and rebuilt the town all by himself.

In just two days the mouse village was better than before. The mice thanked him and cheered,

"Mr. Goon Foo-Foo,

You are such a treat,

We have a new village,

And back on our feet"

But, the cheering didn't last for long. The townsfolk were still searching for Mr. Goon Foo-Foo, and finally spotted him. Once again they had their pitchforks out. The mob rushed into the mouse village and then they stopped right in their tracks. There was an odd look upon their faces. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo and the mice couldn't figure out what was wrong with them. Then, they saw an even stranger sight. The mouse that had helped to free Mr. Goon Foo-Foo had a small wand in its hand. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo and the mice realized that it was the little bronze mouse who had frozen the townsfolk. The little mouse waved the wand around itself and was transformed into the Good Fairy. Mr. Goon Foo-Foo fell to his knees and asked for the Good Fairy's forgiveness. The fairy knew that he had learned his lesson and felt sorry for him. The Good Fairy waved her wand and chanted,

"Mr. Goon Foo-Foo

You've done really great,

Turned into a goon,

But, that's not your fate"

Mr. Goon Foo-Foo was engulfed in a silver mist and when it went away he was no longer a goon, but a rabbit; he was Little Bunny Foo-Foo, once again.

The town's people came out of their trance and one of them waved a pitch fork in the air and said, "Hey what happened to that goon?" Another person responded, "He must be gone."

"Well that serves him right. You know those goons, here today and gone tomorrow."

They all laughed and walked back to the town. Little Bunny Foo-Foo was so happy, that he decided to build himself a house right near the mouse village to become their new protector.

The End

The Further Adventures of Little Bunny Foo-Foo (or My Life as a Goon)Where stories live. Discover now