Now I know damn well she didn't.

Quickly making a very much illegal U-turn I pull up right beside Mia as she stands next to her suitcase in confusion.

Rolling down my window I give Mia the best disappointed face I could muster.

"Now I know damn well you didn't fly to London. Mia, what are you doing here?" I question.

"Jai! I'm here to see you actually." Mia says with every bit of confidence.

"And how exactly did you expect to find me without Dom finding your ass first? Does he know you're here? You know what just get in the car." I say frustrated.

Mia, completely ignoring my annoyance, places her suitcase in the trunk and happily hops into the passenger seat.

"No, he doesn't know I'm here, but that doesn't matter. What matters is you're here and alive." Mia states as she leans over to hug me while I keep the car steady. Returning the hug I slightly glared in Mia's direction.

"You're crazy, you know that. And where is my nephew?" I ask.

"He's with er- Elena." She says hesitantly.

"And who's this Elena? Did you at least do a background check on her before you just up and left her with your son? Mm-m-mmm, I should find Brian's ass just so I could tell him you're here." I emphasize.

"Er well Elena so when you were supposedly dead and Dom n' Letty split, she uh-" Mia stutters.

"Just say it like it is Mia, she's Dom's side bitch, right?" I ask.

"Basically, but you'd like her, she's super sweet. And she really took care of Dom when you and Letty weren't there." She spoke.

"Oh, I'm sure she did. Talk about insult to injury." I mutter, although I'm positive Mia still heard me.

"But seriously, why was it so important that you find me? Mia, you realize you're putting yourself in incredible danger being here. I should turn this car around and force you on the first plane back to LA."

"Jai, when Brian told me you were alive, I had to come. I know how you feel towards Dom and Letty, especially with how things went with your relationship. The point is you have every right to be angry with them. When Brian lied about being a cop, I never wanted to see him again, he destroyed our family. But I still had to admit that I loved him. Jai honestly, do you still love them?" Mia asks.

"No, I don't. Any love I had for them died with me. Do I still consider them family? That's incredibly debatable. Right now, I'd say we're strangers." I say as I shift gears towards Deckard and I's place. If Mia has to be here, she at least needs to be somewhere safe.

"Ok, I'm not going to argue with that. But I at least hope you can forgive them, one day. Even if you don't come home. Just promise you'll at least visit me and Jack, we miss you." She mentions.

"Now that I can promise." I say with a genuine smile on my face. Glancing over I can see that maybe Mia seeing me was just the thing she needed. She definitely seems relieved and far lighter than when she entered the car.

"Seeing as I'll only be here until tomorrow, maybe you can show me around London. I have always wanted to visit." She pleads.

"Oh, I know you have. I remember when you would stay up all night making collages of all the places you wanted to go after high school. And did you graduate nursing school? Not that I have any doubt you did." I state.

"I did! I brought pictures actually, even of Jack's first day at school, my most recent ultrasound, and Jack's birthday party that you missed." Mia sneaks in.

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