Part 1: Back to the Asylum

Start from the beginning

(Frank Boles is the officer on Sharp's right.)

Joker: Hey, Sharpie! Love what you've done with the place!

Quincy Sharp: That's WARDEN Sharp to you. Boles!

Joker: Yo Frank-ay! How's the wife and kids? Ya miss me?

Frank Boles: Shut it, clown! A lot of people here really want to talk to you.

Frank Boles and the other guard stationed move Joker to a gurney and strap him down.

Joker: Really. I don't mind walking.

Robin: Sorry Joker, we don't have any say in what these guys do.

Joker: Not so tight, boys. You'll crease the suit.

Quincy Sharp: Get that filthy degenerate out of here.

Batman: Warden something's not right. We're going with him!

Batman Pov:

We're currently following the officers and Joker, when I ask another officer right next to us.

Batman: Is Commissioner Gordon here yet?

Officer: Yes sir, he's eh, waiting for you in Patient Handover. He got here just before you two did.

Robin: I'm glad he decided to let us deal with it.

Joker: Sharpie sure loves his cameras. Hey, Sharpie! You getting my good side? But heck, they're all good, aren't they?

As Joker is being put on the lift, Quincy Sharp speaks.

Quincy Sharp: I want him securely locked away this time. Another escape and I'll lose support for my mayoral campaign.

Officer: Don't worry, Warden. I have every guard stationed here today, sir.

Joker: Look at all this security. How's a guy supposed to break out of here?

Joker's then brought into a huge scanner room.

Aaron Cash: Tunnels full! Start the scan!

Aaron Cash: Tunnels full! Start the scan!

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Officer: Even initializing.

Joker: Y'know, I always preferred the good ol' cavity search. Much more personal.

Suddenly a red light light appears in the room.

Officer: Got a red light. Multiple prohibited items.

Aaron Cash: I want Joker scanned again!

Officer: Ehh. It's not the patient. It's ehh...

Joker: Whatcha sneak in with you, Bats and Birdie? C'mon. Tell me, tell me! Batarangs? Batclaws? Bat Snacks?

Officer: Scan is green on Joker.

Aaron Cash: Open the gate. Get him out of there! I want weapons on him at all times. Do not let him out of your sight.

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now