Part 13: The Titan Project

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Batman and Robin enter the Botanical Gardens after what feels like forever, and immediately start looking around.

Robin: Bruce. I think we should start looking for Harley's trail.

Batman: Yeah. Can't waste any time in finding the Titan production plant.

Batman Pov:

Me and Robin are currently standing inside of the entrance hall of the Botanical Gardens in Detective Mode, and two of Joker's men are standing near the end of the room with fire arms in hand. Slowly making our way to cover, we listen into the conversation.

B/p 1: What the hell was that thing?

B/p 2: No idea. Joker's cooking something up, man.

B/p 1: Yeah, and it don't smell good.

Batman: [Whispers] Robin, prepare Shuriken.

Robin: [Holds Shuriken] I'm ready when you are, Batman.

We prepare to toss the Batarang and Shuriken towards the two Blackgate Inmates standing guard.

B/p 2: Thinks he's god or something. Messing with people's bodies. He tries that stuff on me and I quit.

B/p 1: Me too. This place is creepy enough without those monsters running loose.

As the two stop talking we each throw our very own projectile, and the Blackgate Inmates go down. We then run from cover and knock them down, with Robin looking directly at me with a look that says 'That was easy,' but at first sight I can tell what he's thinking about.

Robin: So no killing, but blood trauma is okay to take these guys down.

Batman: Y/n...

Robin: I get it. [Gets out Cryptographic Sequencer] Anyway, I think we should get the door opened.

Robin bends down to the access panel and gets the electric fence shut down, giving us access into the next room in the Botanical Gardens.

Robin: [Stands up] Time to deal with a clown.

Batman: Good work.

We walk into the Botanical Glasshouse and see even more Blackgate Inmates walking around.

Batman: [Gets behind cover; whispers] Joker's definitely been here.

Robin: [Gets behind cover; also whispering] Then let's take these guys down. Any second we waste is another one where Joker roams free around all of Arkham.


After taking down all of Joker's men, and practically hearing him throwing the biggest fit, me and Robin look around the area and notice a lot of things.

Robin: [Still in Detective Mode] Why would Joker use the Gardens to hold his Titan project in effect? It doesn't make sense.

Batman: Maybe letting Ivy roam free has something to do with it. Only way to find out is to go ask her ourselves.

Robin: [Unsure] Maybe... but we've got to stay on Joker's trail. Granted we could go ask Ivy why she's not trying to stop Joker herself. Afterall if Joker unleashes his army of Titans onto Gotham it won't just put the people in danger, but the environment too.

Batman: That's a good idea, Y/n. I'll deal with Joker, and you can go to Ivy.

Robin: Yeah, but before we do that we have to keep moving.

We make our way through the door and see the main clown himself. The Joker is seen on the other side of what looks like a giant gap with one of the Asylum Guards in his hand.

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now