Chapter Sixteen

Começar do início

I honestly had no idea how to start this conversation, it's a hard thing to even think about, let alone talk about it. I clenched my fist on the handle of the pot, just say something damn it.

"I can stop my your parents house and grab some of your things if you like," I said,

I turned my head fully to see what they would say. At the mention of their past life their eyes lit up just a tad.

"I'd like that," They spoke softly, their voice sounded strained.

"Here," I spoke as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, I placed it in front of them, "Drink this,"

A soft "Thanks," was all they said before they took a sip of it.

I went back to the ramen and drained the water out of the noodles, then I added the flavor packet. I retched and grabbed two bowls and split the noodles between us. When I was done with it I sat the bowl in front of them and sat down on the other side of the table.

"You haven't been hearing any voices?"

They shook their head.

I clutched the fork that I held, Think, think. God I was so terrible at this shit. The only person I have really comforted was Hoodie but that was completely different than this. Thankfully they took a bite out of the noodles, that made me feel a bit better, knowing that they wouldn't starve.

These were the times I was glad I wore a mask, I could stare at them all I wanted and they would never know. But as I stared at them the more guilt started to eat me alive, all of the bruises, scratches and god knows what else were because of me. I really needed to step up whatever the hell I was doing.

I let out a little sigh and lifted my mask up just slightly to take a bite of the noodles. This seemed to intrigue them as their eye's snapped up to me as I did so. I was going to say something but I decided not to.

"Hoodie's not going to be back today so you can have his bed,"

Just another nod came, I was going to give up but they finally spoke up

"Um, the episodes that you have," They started slowly, I bristled at the mention of them, "you don't choose to have them?"

I know it was a genuine questions but I couldn't help but let out a little hostility "No, I thought that was obvious," I said a little to harshly

They glared at me as a response, "Is that going to be something I have to deal with,"

"How would I know, I'm not you," This was going to turn into an argument at this rate

"Well then what the hell is going to happen, didn't he give you papers,"

I had completely forgotten about the paper, "Let me get them and I'll tell you," I got up and collected them from the counter.

I skimmed through it until I saw the logs that it possessed.

I read them out loud for the both of us, "The madness that was introduced to the subject all had the same symptoms in a recurring order. The only thing that differed from subject to subject was the time frame that the symptoms took place. Some of the subjects fell ill and died within a week while others took months to succumb to it. This is something that will be studied in a later time,"

I glanced down to study their face. They seemed to have a little hope restored at this line. And I did as well if I'm honest, extra time to figure all this out was what we needed. I looked back at the paper and continued to read.

"The symptoms fell in the order listed. Paranoia, voices/ whispers being heard, sleep disturbances, a sleep walking-like state in which the subject doesn't remember anything that occurred during that time, severe/ complete sleep loss, trouble communicating with others and trouble completing necessary tasks. The final symptom that all of the subjects showed was tearing themselves apart."

A sickly feeling encased my stomach. I already knew what would happen if we didn't face the madness but reading that last sentence obliterated what little hope I still had left. I took a deep breath and looked down at them. They just looked so distraught; confusion and sadness filled their features, and honestly seeing them like this made me a little sad myself.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," I tried convincing them as well as myself, "You're strong willed so I'm sure the symptoms will take longer to affect you. Besides you have me and E.J figuring this out as we go."

They clutched their stomach, and squeezed their eyes shut.

I spoke softly, "Why don't we go ahead and go to your house, I think we both need some fresh air."

They slowly opened their eyes and nodded.

"C'mon, let's go ahead and head out while there's still some daylight left." I reached out my hand for them to grab, they took it and we headed out. A little smile formed on my face, it was nice knowing that they seemed to have a little trust in me now. All I had to do now was make sure I didn't snap and damage the new founding trust.

I guided them out the door and shut it gently. There was a slight chill to the air, fall was definitely on its way. Even though it was a tad chillier than I had expected it was still a nice sense of extremely needed change of scenery. I glanced over to see how they were feeling and just as I did their eyes held a bit more light to them than usual. Maybe we will be able to fight it off.

"It'll be a long walk, but as long as we don't run into anyone we should be just fine," I spoke, trying to start a conversation.

"Anyone?" They asked questionably.

"Yes, any of the people that also reside in the forest, some are worse than others but I think we should be ok," I explained.

"I can't defend myself," They said blankly, a hint of fear was obvious in their tone.

"I know, that's why I'm here,' I turned my head and looked at them, "You'd be surprised at that kind of damage that I can do to some people,"

They held my gaze for a second but then turned away, it seemed a question was taunting their mind but they never spoke anything else after that.

✧Hidden Crystals ✧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora