He comes home after a long day (requested)

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Jamie walked into the house after what felt like the longest day he'd ever had and he was extremely exhausted both mentally and physically, his whole body was aching and he just wanted to lay down and sleep.

He dragged himself upstairs into your shared bedroom and kicked his shoes off, he didn't even have the energy to speak to you.

''Hard day baby?'' You asked sympathetically looking up at your tired looking boyfriend.

He could only nod while taking his jacket off. You'd never seen poor Jamie look so tired before and it was clear that he needed a rest.

''Oh my sweet boy, come here darling'' he didn't waste a second getting into bed and snuggling into your arms.

He laid his head on your chest sighing contently. You wrapped your arms around him and slipped your hand under his shirt so you could rub his back as you know this always helps him relax.

''I'm sorry you had a bad day angel but I've got you now yeah? Your safe and I love you so much'' you gently explained kissing his nose.

He nodded and kissed your chest in return silently thanking you for what you were doing ''I'm so tired'' he mumbled burying his face in your neck.

''Shhhhh it's ok darling just sleep and get some rest. I've got you'' your other hand came into his hair and gently played with it, occasionally giving a light scratch as this also relaxes him.

Jamie crashed almost instantly and fell asleep on your chest, light snores coming from his lips. You continued to rub his back and play with his hair while he slept.

''I love you so much'' you whispered kissing his head.

After about an hour of Jamie being asleep you decided to get up because surely sleeping in your clothes wasn't comfortable and you wanted him to be comfortable.

You gently lifted him up and laid him against the pillows, placing the duvet over him to make sure he stayed warm.

You made your way into the bathroom and ran a bath for him as you noticed how tense his shoulders felt when he was laying on you, you also grabbed some comfy joggers and a T-shirt for him to wear.

You walked back into the bedroom where Jamie was and grabbed a wipe as he still had makeup on from the shoot he'd been doing.

You gently rubbed his face with the wipe getting off all the makeup he'd had put on him for the shoot.

He's so gorgeous you couldn't help but think to yourself as you studied his facial features.

You felt so guilty having to wake him up when he was so exhausted but you knew he'd feel much better after properly relaxing and getting ready for bed.

''Jamie darling'' you whispered gently kissing his nose.


''Jamie my love? Wake up for me'' you pushed all the hair out his face.

He slowly stirred and opened his eyes looking at you, still adjusting to the light.

He looked so exhausted the poor thing. He had dark bags under his eyes, he hasn't really been giving himself a break while working on the album and it's taking a toll on him

''hi baby I'm sorry to wake you up but I've ran you a bath to help you relax. You'll be a lot more comfy once you get out of these clothes''

''Thank you darling, you really didn't need to do anything'' he mumbled getting up from bed and gently placing a kiss on your lips.

''Of course I did I love you. Your exhausted honey and I want to help you relax''

Jamie walked into the bathroom where you helped him take off his clothes laying some gentle kisses on his neck and chest.

You helped him into the bath where he instantly relaxed as the warm water soothed his tense muscles.

You grabbed some body wash and started massaging his shoulders and back ''your so tense baby you need to relax''

Jamie let out a heavy sigh ''don't you dare stop love, your helping me so much''

You giggled ''I love you''

You slowly massaged his chest in circles with your thumbs ''your an actual angel I swear to god. You deserve a big cuddle after doing this for me''

You shook your head ''no. Your getting all the cuddles tonight''

''Love Nooo. I wanna hold you'' he whined like a 3 year old.

You giggled ''I know you like having me in your arms but just let me hold you tonight ok? You've had a long day and I just want to take care of you''

He sighed and pointed his finger at you ''fine but only this once''

You finished washing the soap off him ''you relax for abit ok? I'll be in the bedroom waiting for when you come out''

''Darling nooo. Stay with me please'' he whined

''Just have a few minutes on your own to relax and unwind ok? I love you'' you walked out the bathroom and sat on the bed.

After a few minutes of scrolling on your phone Jamie came out the bathroom with the joggers you'd picked out for him.

He got into bed next to you and kissed your cheek ''hello love''

''Hi bub'' you smiled burying your face in his cologne covered chest.

''Thank you for doing that baby. You really didn't have to'' he said kissing your head

''Yes I did. You needed to relax''

He nodded ''well I feel very relaxed now I'm just really tired''

You smiled ''let's go to sleep then, turn around let me hold you''

He kissed your lips before turning round and letting you wrap your arms around him ''this okay?''

''Mhm'' he nodded.

You kissed the back of his neck ''goodnight my love, sweet dreams''

A/n : hey guys hope you enjoyed <3

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