Surprising him (requested)

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Requested by CheerMom86 💖💖

You hid backstage at comic con listening to your boyfriend on stage talking about stranger things and answering questions in general about himself. It had been 6 long weeks since you saw Jamie as he was currently travelling the world going to different comic cons and events.

''So Jamie, what is the hardest thing about being an actor aswell as a musician and having. to travel a lot?'' You heard the host ask.

You slowly crept on stage and stood behind jamie. fighting every urge to throw yourself on him and hug him that second.

He let out a sigh ''erm probably the fact that I have to leave my girlfriend for such long periods of time. It's not nice for both of us and she gets very emotional about it a lot of the time''

The interviewer smiled ''well what if I told you your girlfriends behind you right now?''

Jamie turned around and stood up immediately hugging you ''baby! What are you doing here?''

It felt so incredible being back in his arms after weeks and weeks of not seeing him. You buried your face in his chest and clung onto him like a koala

''I've come to surprise you. I couldn't bare to be away from you any longer''

He kissed your forehead and slowly pulled away ''oh my darling, I missed you so much''

You both sat down and answered some questions together about your relationship and stuff like that.

After the panel you both went backstage and got changed. Jamie pulled you into his arms once more giving you a long, loving kiss. You melted right into it.

''I missed you so much baby. I can't believe your actually here'' he said pushing all the hair out of your face.

You smiled at him with adoration ''i missed you more. I hate not being in your arms at night and you not being there to rub my back and comfort me when I'm sick or tired, the sweet little kisses you give me to calm me down when I've had a bad day''

''Well I'm here now angel and I'll hold you in my arms for however long you want me to. We've got the whole night to ourselves and we can do whatever you want'' he said gently kissing your knuckles

''Can we order a Chinese?'' You said sitting down on the sofa in the dressing room

He chuckled and nodded ''yeah we can and then we can watch a movie and just relax for the night. Sound good?''

''That sounds like the perfect evening but I'm just so happy to be back with you I don't care what we do right now''

You pulled him down and snuggled up to him burying your face in the crook on his neck leaving little kisses ''god your so perfect''

''Speak for yourself love. Your the most stunning human I've ever laid my eyes on. I don't even know how I ended up with you''

''No no no. Look at you tho, your just so handsome'' you said kissing his chest

''Oh stop it behave yourself'' he joked playfully kissing your head

The evening was perfect. You ordered a Chinese, watched titanic and cuddled but most of all you were just happy to be back in your gorgeous boyfriends arms once more.

A/n : hello hello hello!! Drop ya requests below. Love youu😘😘

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