Your baby is sick

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Your baby girl was really sick at the moment with a cold and the poor baby is miserable. Chesty cough, runny nose, watery eyes and very congested.

You'd just given her some medicine and Just when you thought you'd calmed her down she started crying again because she felt so miserable ''shhhh it's ok mamas here''

''You ok my love?'' Your husband said as he sat down next to you.

You nodded with tears in your eyes ''I just hate seeing her so miserable''

''I know darling I do too but it's only a cold and she should be better in a few days. She just needs some rest and cuddles from her mummy''

You looked down at your daughter as she started to cough again ''oh my poor baby'' you said sympathetically as you laid her against your chest and gently patted her back.

You had to try and clear her lungs somehow as she's way too little to cough it all out herself ''it's a nasty cough isn't it baby?'' You said kissing her head.

Jamie looked at you with sorrow in his eyes. It was almost like you could see his heart breaking watching his little girl feel so poorly.

Her poor little chest was rattling. It was clear that she was feeling miserable and wasn't gonna Settle for anyone.

''Want me to try love?'' Jamie asked seeing you were struggling to settle her. You nodded and passed her over to him.

Jamie stood up with your tiny daughter against his chest and began to sway ''shhh baby girl it's ok dadas here. It's ok my love''

She still wouldn't settle. She was absolutely miserable

He gently rubbed her back and began to sing to her. a song he's sang to her since she was born and never fails to comfort her.

You watched in awe as she slowly started to settle and fall asleep in her daddy's arms. You loved seeing the bond between Jamie and your daughter, it was magical seeing how much he adores her.

Once Jamie was sure she was asleep he gently laid her in the cot at the end your shared bed and placed a blanket over her to keep her warm.

He then switched the humidifier on to help her breathe better with her congestion and tuned off the lights climbing into bed with you.

''Your an amazing dad. You know that?'' You whispered snuggling into his arms.

''Your an amazing mum. I love you darling'' he said kissing your head.

''I love you too. It's amazing watching you care for our little girl, I'm so lucky that your her daddy''

He smiled ''you don't give yourself enough credit darling. Your amazing too''

You burried your face into his neck ''I just hate seeing her so sick''

''I know you do love but you heard what the doctor said. She'll be back to normal in a few days''

You nodded ''we better get some sleep, she'll be up again in a couple hours''

He kissed your head ''your right. I'll do the night shift, what can I do to help settle her?''

''Well Someone told me that If you rub or tap there chest and on there side it's supposed to help them get the mucus out their lungs and also soothe them'' you said running your hands through his beautiful hair.

He nodded ''ok my love I'll try it but you need to try and get some sleep now darling, you need it''

You turned over and let him wrap his arm around you ''goodnight my love, I love you so much''

''I love you more my gorgeous boy''

A/n : sorry I've been gone for so long again!! Drop your requests in the comments xxxx

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