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Jschlatt pov:
"He stares at you in class, turns red and all nervous when you look and even stare back at him! He focking likes you!" Minx said

"no he doesn't he just a shy british guy" I said "fine I bet once you open your locker four to six love letters will fall out and it will be in his hand writing" minx said crossing her arms

"And if not I have to post something on your Twitter and tiktok" schlatt said "fuck no just open your darn locker!" Minx said

"Whatever" I said and open my locker.. four love letters felled out

"See I told you! Now open it!" Minx said, I sign and bend out to get the notes "let's go to the table" minx said as she shut my locker holding the love letters

When we were at the table

"Well what are you waiting for open it!" Minx said as she was recording

To schlatt

You're the most beautiful man I had ever seen, anybody will be so lucky to have you sweetheart. I love your laugh, smile, and  how funny you are.


"That what it says" schlatt said "and you're red? Theres a whole rumor that his crazy for his lover! He probably gonna kill me!" Minx said

"Those are just rumors now let's continue reading" I said as I open another love note

Wilbur pov:
He reading my love notes! But with her.. she always with him. Always talk crap about me, and takes him away from ME! Anytime if I try to speak minx comes in running and saves him. It's so annoying.. I have to get rid of her.. for now I have to go music class..

I signed and left

Took fucking months for this shit.

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