mafia AU

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"AND I HAVE NO REGRET CHEATING ON YOU WITH AMELIA!" Wyatt yelled "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Schlatt yelled as he point the door

"FINE SHE BETTER THEN YOU ANYWAYS!" Wyatt yelled back, as he slam the door

"Finally" schlatt under his breathe and wiped the fake tears and sign 'I was gonna break up with him either way' schlatt thought to himself

'Whatever im going to the club' schlatt thought to himself and got ready

"Hey I'm here" schlatt said to minx who with niki

"Hey I'm sorry I heard about the break up" niki said as she gave schlatt a drink "nah it's fine I was gonna break up with him either way, my parents found me some mafia dude or something" schlatt said as he chugged the drink

"You're literally fucking 23. And you're parents found you some mafia dude?"minx said as she started laughing

"Whatever" schlatt said as he chugged 5 more drinks

"Maybe chill with the chugging with the drinks okay?"niki said worried as she drinking slowly

"I'm going to the dance floor" schlatt said "okay!" Niki said and minx sat down on schlatt seat

Schlatt was dancing till he turn around and saw a handsome man with curly brown hair with a cig sitting with his legs spread

He had motioned for schlatt to sit on his lap but schlatt decided to flip him off with a smirk

'Hm, wonder how this would go' schlatt thought to himself as the man was smirking

Suddenly he felt a pair of hands on his waist pulling the american man closer

"Can you let go?" Schlatt said as he pulling away

"Hold on niki" minx said as she got up to back up schlatt, niki turn around and got up too


Everyone stop, including the music everyone turn the man with the gun the same man with the curly hair got up

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY HUSBAND" the British voice spoke

Minx ran to schlatt including niki "are you okay schlatt?" Minx said worried as niki went down to the dead body

"His dead." Niki said and looked up

"OMG SOMEBODY CALL THE AMBULANCE" niki said as she went to schlatt seeing a hole in his tummy

The british man was shock

Not only did he kill the man but his lover too.

The end:(

Schlattbur One Shot 2Where stories live. Discover now