"I need to find someone. Or at least learn how to find them. Tonight" He said,

"Looking for a club act, are we?" Poppy jested, Kaz wasn't amused,

"I'm looking for the Conductor" he said, getting to the point,

Now that got their attention, Poppy turned to look at him, caught slightly off guard,

"So you do know him" Kaz observed,

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

Leo was running, she hated running, but it was essential now. Otherwise she wouldn't be doing it.

Hopping from roof top to roof top like she had done it a thousand times over... well she had, but not quite at this pace.

Her hair, that was currently in a high ponytail, was striking the back of her neck causing a light sting.

But she had no time to put it down or even wrap it in a bun, like she said, she was in a rush.

Her ankles aches and her legs burned with the pace she was running, jumping from building to building.

She was already working up a sweat, god she hated sweating, but due to the cold air she seemed to cool off as soon as the hot flush came.

She came to a halt, keeling over with her hands now on her knees, hunched over as she took in deep breaths.

She definitely did not have the best set of lungs.

Still out of breath, not as much as before though, she stood as straight as she could and her face scrunched in discomfort as she let out another heft breath,

She gave her head a shake, getting herself back into gear and she began to move again,

Before she advanced to a sprint she mutters to herself,

"Fuck. I'm so unfit"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

Poppy rolled their eyes "this is about a job isn't it" they said "one that sends you all the way east, for a million Kruge?" Kaz continued to walk around the room, stopping at an emerald coloured satin chair,

"You'll never make enough to compete with Pekka, you know? He a king" they said matter of factly "you're just the Bastard of the Barrel" they shrugged, going back and continuing with their makeup,

That's when Kaz spotted something on the emerald chair, he raised his cane and pushed aside the scattered jewelled jewellery, all the perfectly styled golden bracelets, all that fitted Poppy's style to perfection,

The small card he spotted had now been cleared of anything blocking his sight from it, a menagerie symbol was perfectly placed in the centre of the parchment card,

Kaz raised a brow "Tante Heleen wrote you?"

"Just this evening, yes, you snoop" they continued "she was asking about the Conductor as well, said she heard it from some weird drug woman called Alise, probably bout the same job. So I warned him to steer clear of her"

Kaz clicked everything into place very fast "you warned him? With a note?"

Poppy nodded,

Kaz huffed "she wanted you to do that so she could have the messenger followed"

Deadly Little Leo - Inej GhafaWhere stories live. Discover now