Finally, the bowl ran dry, and Sorin pulled it away. He stared at Sabre for a moment, long enough to make it feel awkward. Sabre stared back before finally opening his stupid mouth.

“What are you going to do with me..? I- I don’t think you want to hurt me but… just let me go, alright? You don’t.. Probably don’t want to do this.”

“It’s not that easy you-” Sorin paused, stared at the wooden bowl, and without warning he threw it across the room. It didn’t break, only firmly clanked along the floor as it hit the ground, “You don’t get it! I can’t just bring you back, they’ll kill me! Everybody will kill me! I can’t go back- I can’t go anywhere!”

Sabre tried to speak, but Sorin began to rant on more and more, raising his arms and gesturing wildly as he did so, “EVERYBODY LOVES YOU! You- YOU- I just want all of this to end, I want to stop waking up thinking I’m in misery I-...”

The silence came over the treehouse, and Sorin’s arms fell to his sides, and he exhaled and all his body language dropped to a slump. He looked exhausted.

“You came back, and things felt worse. I-I know it’s not completely your fault, but goddammit.”

The silence basked the house, and Sorin looked around. Sabre shifted uncomfortably, unsure how to take care of the situation anymore.

“I want you gone. That’s how this horrible feeling, these horrible thoughts, will go away.”

“And what happens after you get rid of me? You’ll still think horribly of yourself.”

The house went silent, and Sorin stood there. He didn’t say anything, and Sabre didn’t push it. Sorin’s fist clenched, unclenched, and he inhaled and exhaled as if something was unraveling inside him. Sabre wished he could run, do something to get away, instead he had to sit with Sorin, who seemed more like a ticking bomb right now.

He whispered to himself, stepped back, grabbed a nearby coffee table (more like a nightstand) and threw it across the room again. Sabre wished he could shift back anymore in his chair, but he was at the very end of it. There wasn’t any more he could move, he just sat silently.

Finally, Sorin noticed him again, and he looked at him with a malicious glare in his eyes.


He stepped closer, and despite Sabre’s legs being tied up, he skidded the base of his feet against the wooden floor in desperate attempts to get away. He felt like if he didn’t, Sorin would kill him.

“Sorin! Sorin!

Before Sorin could grab him, he flinched back from the yell. Sabre went silent, and he wished he could read Sorin a bit better to tell if he was angry or scared. Sorin stared holes through Sabre, then he turned to leave, only stopping to put the small table back on its legs, but not putting it back.

Sorin only turned his head back only to glare directly into Sabre’s eyes, then slammed the door.


Assistant tinkered with the tracker more and more, but unfortunately it kept springing loose, either the button fell out or it short circuited or it plain didn’t work at all. It had only briefly been able to work, but took too long to try and connect to Sorin’s location, and broke before Assistant got anything useful from it.

“M told me you made the tracker?” Professor Red said, walking through the door. He wasn’t dressed to work, with no lab coat on or anything. His hair was messy, and looked to be hastily tied up into a small, messy bun. Assistant gave a mechanical scoff and looked at the professor.

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