Gordon goes Foreign (BWBA)

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(Typical Opening)

Thomas: Have you ever done something just to try to prove a point? Well, I remember a time Gordon tried to go to London to prove what the station name is. All aboard for a Big Adventure!

Gordon Goes Foreign

Thomas(Narrating): At Vicarstown, there are engine from the mainland that bring people to and from Sodor. 

Sometimes, they go all the way to Knapford, and rest at the sheds at Tidmouth too.

(Scene cuts to Gordon with the Foreign Engine and Duck)

Gordon: When I was young and green, I remember going to London. You know the place? It's called King's Cross.

Foreign Engine: King's Cross?! London's Euston! Everybody knows that!

Duck: Rubbish. London's Paddington! I should know, I used to work there!!

Thomas(Narrating): Gordon, Duck and the Foreign Engine argued so much, that the others engines in the sheds started to leave.

(The three argue bitterly, until it's just the three of them. The Foreign Engine leaves, and James comes in)

James: Ugh, would you PLEASE stop arguing!?! It's annoying enough that you boast about your jobs and heritage. Besides, you both already agreed on something.

Gordon and Duck: What's that?

James: London's not Euston, now be quiet!!

(Gordon puffs off and mumbles to himself)

Gordon: London's King's Cross. They couldn't have changed it. I'll go to London, and prove it myself!

(Dream Sequence)

(Gordon arriving back at Vicarstown, and everyone cheers)

Duck: I am so sorry Gordon. I'll never doubt a big, strong and proud engine like you again!

(Gordon smiles, until a whistle brings him to reality)

Rebecca: Gordon, are you alright? You seemed to have blacked out for a bit.

Gordon: Rebecca, have you ever been to London?

Rebecca: Nope, never. Sorry.

Gordon: Well, I'm going to London, to prove that it's King's Cross!!

(Gordon puffs off, and Rebecca is confused)

Rebecca: Wait, if it's called London, then what's King's Cross?

(Montage of Gordon trying to go to the mainland)

Thomas(Narrating): You see, Gordon always stops at Vicarstown to let another engine take the train the rest of the way. But Gordon wanted to head to London himself to prove a point. Gordon tried everything. He tried to leave before the express was uncoupled. He tried to leave the station before the guard's whistle. He even tried to go without a train!! But nothing worked.

One day, he waited at the platform, but no engine came.

(Gordon is seen sitting at the platform, when Henry comes up.)

Gordon: Henry, has any engine from the mainland come?

Henry: No Gordon, other than goods engines.

(Station Master walks up to Gordon)

Station Master: The engine meant to take your train has broken down. You'll have to take the train to London.

(Gordon beamed brightly, and cheered)

Gordon: Finally, I can go to London!!

(Gordon takes off after the guard's whistle blew. Many shots of Gordon racing through the country side are shown, and Gordon arrives at the station)

Thomas(Narrating): The next day, Gordon arrived back at Knapford, looking sad.

(Fat Controller comes up to Gordon)

Fat Controller: Ah, Gordon, I read all about your journey to London in the Paper. Did you enjoy yourself?

Gordon: No sir, I didn't.

Fat Controller: Why not?

(Just then, Duck comes up with a goods train)

Duck: Oh, he just found out that London is Paddington.

Gordon: No, it's St. Pancreas.

(The Fat Controller then laughs)

Fat Controller: Oh, you silly engines. London have more than one station. It's much bigger than what is here on the Island. Paddington and St. Pancreas are just two stations London has.

(Duck and Gordon look at each other, and sigh)

(Vicarstown shot with Thomas pulling Annie and Clarabel)

Thomas: Have you ever done something just so you could prove a point to someone?

Thomas: I once wanted to prove to the Fat Controller that I was worthy of being in the Great Railway Show, only for my efforts to back fire.

Thomas: When Gordon heard London was called a different station, he did anything he could to prove he was right, only to learn that not everything has just one correct answer.

Thomas: So, instead of just trying to prove your right, try to see if there are more than just one answer to what you have. It's easier than trying to go somewhere without permission.

(Guard's whistle)

Clarabel: Come on Thomas!

Annie: It's time to go.

Thomas: I'll see you all again, very soon!


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