Untitled Part 5

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"You sure you don't want me to send you home?" asked Clare for the millionth time this night. 

"Yes, I'm sure, the pizzeria is only open for another 25 min, if I wait for you to get dressed and lock the door they'd never take my order. And theen I would need to start baking in the middle of the night ...... because I want pizza, right noow!" I answered her as I put my shoes on in hurry. "And besides that, I'd have to walgg you back hoome because I wouldn't bear the though of you walking back alone. And and then you'd walk me back and then I'd walk you bacgh and then we'd go round and round and round till we're both sober and tired and decide to order a taxi and then I'd have less money and that's just sad." I prattle and fumble into every other word I say. I'm tired and I have surpassed my drinking limit. The alcohol made my tongue soft and limbs light, that's a sign to go home before I get reaally sleepy and crash on that very comfortable kitchen stool of Clares. 

She chuckles lightly, her own head also probably full of drunk thoughts. "Okay then, text me when you get home and call if you get lost. Remember, go straight-straight-straight from the pizza place we were at and then turn left at the Saint-Peters street and then the road stops and you walk diagonally to the left across the appartment building grounds and then you should end up intersection of the roads to your dorm. And then from there you know where to go, right?" She only now notices my dubious expression. "Honestly, ask your phone for better instructions if you don't believe me, I've lived here only for 19 years."

"Yeah-yeah, I'll go now, byeee!" I give up on trying to remember the instructions. "The pizza won't wait...." I shout as I kiss her goodbye and close the door behind me. 


It's quite nice walking at night when everything is peaceful and quiet. People here are somewhat afraid to walk outside during the night but I haven't heard of any accidents happening in this neighbourhood and I'm not really scared of the dark so I don't get the worry. Besides, there are many residental buildings who would hear me if anything would happen. But also I'd be an easier target if someone came for an attack because I have pizza I so passionately would protect till the last of me.

Ah yes, I'll get home soon and then I'm going to eat all the oh so wounderfully smelling pizza that is laying on my hands. I just need to look out for that Saint-Peters street or something. Also, I have to respect and  care for the pizza as the pizzeria guy was playing hard-to-get and seeing how much effort I had to put in getting it. Seriously I had to beg him to make me a pizza (actually two, 'cause I couldn't decide what tastes the best), he said that he won't serve anything when the pizzeria is only open for anouther 20 min. But after some explanation and an illustration of my desperado face, he took my order and I got my pizzas even before the closing time (barely).

That went well. The sky is also pretty when I rise my eyes to admire the stars that were showing where the clouds shifted. Funny, how clouds can move and have quite a strong wind while down here the air isn't moving an inch. I walk like in a picture, nothing moves nor makes a sound. Apart from me, my steps and their echo sounds incredibly loud on this street. 

Hmm, talking of the street, it turns to the right now. Marissa didn't say anything about the street turning before the Saint-Peters sign but there isn't another way. I have been walking for a long time too about now surely the sign showin Saint-Peters street would have already appeared before me. Okay, I'll walk a little further maybe she forgot to mention the turn. Right. I walked like 50 meters or so till I finnaly decided to stop. 

Maybe I should turn back and look for a sign where there was the road to the left. Yes, I definately should do that, Marissa said to only keep to the left. 

But the weird thing is that even though I stopped walking, the steps still echo. Wait what? I slowly turn around only to see a figure far away. There's a person following me? Oh gosh, their step is slowing down. Kyaa, something is clincking in their duffle bag! It's a he, surely, such a strong and tall frame. Eek, I will be crushed if he swang at me with his axe or whatever is in his bag. 

He stops about five meters from me in a total darkness meanwhile I'm in the center of the street light. He has a hood over his head so I couldn't see him. 

I should run . No, he'd be faster . Okay, think. Yes, neighbours. I ran towards the house beside me and started banging on the door while panically looking behind me. I see him closing up and I can't even get a word out of me. 

He would've had said something if he'd be just another citisen. Somebody, please help!

But noone is answering the door, I press my back against it and search for the mans face. His slow footsteps matching with the pace of clincking in his bag. He steps closer till his frame is in the outdoor lamp light and to my biggest relief, it is Zed. The ever handsome Zed.

"Zed!" I cough up at the verge of tears, so incredibly relieved that I really had noone after me. He looks at me inspectively and asks "what are you doing here at such time?"

"I uh got lost," I respond honestly, "why were you following me, Zed? It really creeped me out!" I asked after gaining some strenght in my voice. 

"You didn't answer me," was his response. I look down at the two pizzas in my hand and mutter "I was supposed to walk home from the pizzeria down the street but then I guess I didn't reconize the Saint-Peters street sign or I just have to keep going for a while."

"You shouldn't wonder around alone," he said concisely. I really have nothing to say because even though I don't agree with him, it is crystal clear that I got very scared very easily. There really isn't anyhing to say so I just humm in devoid reponse. He steps closer till his stomach is almost touching the pizzas. Are we gonna kiss? Why is he so close? And he reach out in his pocket and pulled out a key.

"Would you mind," he said as he held out his hand to unlock the door. I staggered out of his way and he unlocked the door. He stepped inside and I just stood embarrassed outside looking at him. Hi threw his bag to the corner and took off his coat, door still wide open.

He looked back and asked,"You coming?" 

Actually, I didn't really think about whether to go or not, I just answered a brief "yes" and got inside. Even though it's almost 1.am now and it'll take half an hour to get home from here, I still decided to stay. 

"What was clincking in your bag?" I ask. He smiles at me and goes for the bag. He then took out a glass bottle and somekind of metalic attribute with a hook on. I also saw a towel and a change of clothes in his bag. "My training equipment and you thought I was going to kill you with these."

"Hey, not funny! Okay? I thought it was an axe or something," I try to defend myself. He laughs at my stupidity and walks to his kitchen counter, then pulls out two bottles of the fridge and motions me to sit behind the counter.

"Mmm you want some pizza?" I ask rememmbering that I have pizzas and getting too impatient just drooling over them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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