Untitled Part 1

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I'm currently in Marissas dorm. We're just finishing up our looks for the party tonight. I'm so relieved that she asked me to come, otherwise I would've stayed in my room to study lonely for a whole weekend again. Just like the past 3 weekends and actually weeknights too. Although, I've been living here only a month, I still feel like I should have a friendgroup and some events with them by now. But things don't move that easily for me, because I kind of expect others to come and talk with me, not the other way around. That's why I'm more than happy to atend the party at Joe's. I don't really know him, more like I haven't ever seen him, but he's Marissas boyfriend so I trust him to not kick me out tonight. And that's big enogh reason to go.

When we arrive, the party is already in full swing, thank god. I really wouldn't like to wait awkwardly for others to get drunk knowing I'm never gonna drink myself. The house is full of people dancing and drinking but in the corners there is enogh room for people to play beer pong and table football and strip pokker. Some have found themselves a quiet place in the kitchen to kiss, may I add, disturbingly. Music is blasting out of the huge speakers, of course, so I barely hear when Marissa says she wants to get wasted tonight. Someone offers us some kind of alcohol, Marissa downs hers right away and I try to decline politely. I take Marissas now empty red plastic cup and go to the kitchen to pour myself a class of water. This shall do the trick when someone's offering a drink to me again.

Marissa takes me to her friends and introduces me to everyone. There's Olivia (Marissas closest friend), her boyfriend Jake, Sofia (with bright red hair), some other girls whose names I instantly forgot and some guys whom Marissa even didn't introduce. And of course Joe. He was kind of getting on my nerves by now. He kept asking if I wanted to drink something and he didn't get the hint to back off. He was also the guy who offered us alcohol when we first arrived, it seems.

"Hey now, Stacey, you don't have to keep your reputation as a good girl to drink with us, it's Saturday night and we won't judge you if you got embarrasingly drunk," Joe said. "I know, I just have an important meeting tomorrow morning," I lied. I guess it was a transparent attempt to everyone, because some of them rolled their eyes. But all in all they stopped giving a fuck about me not drinking. I tagged along Marissa all night, it was pretty fun. We danced( just jumped with the music beat because there wasn't any room for other movements) and played cards with everyone, I was really feeling myself.

"Let's play truth or dare everyone! I haven't played it since I don't know when!"shouted Marissa at one point. Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes, but agreed nonetheless. We sat in a circle and spinned the bottle. It stopped in front of Clare (as I understood her name was) and she chose truth, of cource. Marissa wanted to be the first to ask. 

"If Zed would want to have sex with you again, would you do it?" asked Marissa with michievous grin on her lips. "Who is he?"I whispered in Marissas ear, but she either forgot to answer or didn't want to. Noone was even shocked, they seemed to know this question was going to be brought up. Clare shruged, "I guess, I would." Somehow everyone thought that was a reason to gasp. 

"Even though he slept with Emma and Charlotte?" asked Olivia. Clare was obviously embarrased as she said, "yes, I still haven't got over him".

"Wait, who is Zed?" I asked for the second time. Sofia answered, " He's one hell of a womanizer, but he has a reputation that says he never gets into a relationship." Cliché, I think trying my best not to roll my eyes.

" What a shame," remarked Claire.

Sofia continued," He's the sexiest being on earth, I think. Every girl who's been with him says he's a beast in bed." She laughed at her own words. "He's in the livingroom with his friends probably watching soccer or something. When you see him tonight, I won't judge you, if you fell head over heels with him, but be warned, he doesn't like to linger," She added dreamly while keeping her eye on me. 

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