Fixing the Ouchie.

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Once again, thanks a bunch for all the support as the months go by. While this isn't in my focus it's nice to come back to this book as more of a comfort now. The context of this au holds a warm, special place in my heart.

Minor Injury

⚠️fair to note that this isn't finished, I've had it in my notes since July and planed to write more but I just never had the time, so sorry!⚠️

Overview: Tubbo accidentally hurts himself while playing in his room. It doesn't take long for Schlatt to jump into action!


Schlatt was taken aback as soon he swung the door open, watching as his son froze in place on his bed and slowly turned around. His face was covered in a concoction of tears, snot, and what looked like the most minute amount of blood. But blood was blood, and blood on his buddy was bad. In an instant he was rushing over and grabbing Tubbo by the face, slowly wiping his cheeks with his thumb. Eyes filling with nothing but concern and worry.

"Tubbo... Bud, w-what happened?" His words caught in his throat, trying to assess where the blood could be coming from as his boy broke into messy sobs. It tore his heart in half, and all he could do was push his forehead against his in a small attempt of comfort. "Shh... shhh, I know. It's okay, buddy. Papa's here. I'll always be here."

Neither of them moved until Tubbo's crying calmed into sniffles and softer cries, pushing his head back. His father sitting on the bed and pulling him into his lap. "Can you speak right now, Tubs? Tell me what happened?"

By now Schlatt had managed to find the small cut on his kid's head and stop whatever little bleeding there was; very grateful for it not being a medical emergency as it was just a small cut near his scalp. But it was an emergency non-the-less, and Tubbo still looked so upset. He didn't get a reply either, so he'll have to find out what went down later. He's not going to force his son to speak. With a small whisper of care he stood up, carrying the boy through the doorway and down the hall to the bathroom. "Gonna get you alll cleaned up, Tubs. Warm water, some nice soap'n even your little rubber bee.. I heard Padre's on his way home with Karl and Sap, too. Everyone'll be home soon. Okay?"

It didn't take too long to get Tubbo situated in the tub, and halfway through washing his hair he heard a small knock on the door.

"Washing' Tubs!" He called out with a gentle tone, grinning as he felt Tubbo lean into his fingertips. Thankfully bath time was one of Tubbo's favorite past times, so he was calmed relatively quick.

"Oh! Did you guys go outside while we were out?" Schlatt's grin slid into a warm smile at the voice of his husband as he grabbed a small cup and filled it with some water to pour it over his kids hair, making sure to block his eyes with his hand. Glancing over to the door as he heard a small click. Quackity slipped his head inside, giving both him and Tubbo a small wave.

"Hi, Turbo!" The avian chirped with a smile and enthusiastic wave in response.

"Nah, I'll explaine when we're done! Karl and Sparky are with you right? Can you tell Karl that Tubbo wants a story tonight?" Schlatt looked back to Tubbo, whispering at him to tips his head back.

"Hm? Oh, yeah! I'll do that.. is he okay?"

Stealing a quick glance to the door again before focusing back on his son, Schlatt nodded. "Yeah. He's good. Isn't that right, buddy?" The bleat he received gave him another big smile.

"Alright. I'll let Karlos know. Anything else?"

"That's all. Thanks, pumpkin."

"No hay problema, guapo. See you in a bit."

[Not finished, sorry!]

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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