what if... (au)

146 2 1

"'one wonderful world."

What rhymes with world?

The sunlight started seeping through the cracks in the window.

It was morning, and he should get up.

He would write her a song later.

It's time to go to school.

He slowly began to climb down from his bed, careful to not make any noise.

Plants grew all over his room, so he woke up to the smell of, well, wet dirt.

But he didn't mind. It wasn't that bad.

As he began to change into his uniform, he noticed the little box in the corner of his room.

His most prized possession.

What was he to call it?

Maybe he didn't need to call it anything.

maybe SHE would decide.

He looked down at the building brick in front of him.

It's such a lovely shade of red..

There is a little globe in that box.. it will all be hers someday very soon.

'But for now, its just me, myself, and her lifeless corpse.'

Wait, that sounded much more sinister than intended.

It was fine though, he wasn't saying anything out loud.

These were just thoughts.

But still, "lifeless corpse" made it sound like she was once full of life, and he had taken it form her.

The situation at hand was quite the opposite.

He was here to give her a chance at, well, a good life or whatever. He didn't want to sound very cheesy thinking about it.

He was here to make the perfect world.

The world he dreamed of as a child.


School is a strange place.

A very strange place.

The kids there didn't seem to like him.

Or his hair.

They grimaced whenever he walked by, and shouted things at him.

They often said things like "HEY EMO NEW KID, EAT THIS!" while throwing books at him.

He didn't know what that meant, and he preferred not to.

his hair was lovely, thank you very much.

He had found some money a few months ago, and found himself in a store, wondering what to buy.

He didn't eat or drink, like, at all, after finding the little star.

He figured he'd use the power he had for more important things.

So he didn't even look at the food aisle.

He didn't want any toys or makeup either, so he stayed away from those sections of the store.

What was left?

Uhhhh, the toilet paper aisle?

Definitely NOT.

While he was walking, a certain colorful bottle caught his eye.

'Hair dye.'

Did it kill your hair? Why was die spelt wrong?

Upon inspection, it apparently colored your hair?

...That still seemed like killing your hair to him.

He grabbed a yellow bottle to try it out.

And then he grabbed a pink bottle for good measure.

That night, in front of his cracked bathroom mirror, he did what the instructions told him to.

His hair ended up looking like a poorly mixed yellow and pink bucket of paint.

So the kids at school would tease him for it.

His life was sort of like a cliché nerd movie, he had no friends or family.

So he decided:

He would finally have someone look up to him.

He would create a world,

Full of happiness and love.

All with the power of a magical shooting star

In his broken down room.

What was his name?

He couldn't remember.

Which was a problem.


shouted a kid across the hall one day.





The kid in the hallway took it as a funny joke, laughed, and asked him for his last name.

"If. what if. Thats my name. Right."

The kid laughed, thanked him, and ran away.

"What if... thats my name...

He said, mumbling to himself.

'What if' isn't much of a name to most, but to him, it meant the world.

He finally had a name, and he came up with it himself.

-Returning to present time real quick

That night, he picked up the little red block, and placed it on the globe.

"What if, she was alive." He murmured out loud.

He could only watch in astonishment as the red thing sprang to life.

He did it.

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