" Oi.. what's wrong?"

He sees Deku shrug.

" It's just.. I.. I said that almost forgetting two things."

" What things?"

Green eyes won't meet his as he answers.

" Well.. one you don't live here anymore and you being here isn't permanent so.. we wouldn't have the chance to patrol together and two.. I can't patrol anyway, I'm not sure I ever will again."

There's a deep ache that hits Katsuki so hard it makes him audibly suck in a breath. The words hurt, the first set about him being gone and not living here anymore both surprise and seep in striking a place in his heart that only Izuku could reach. The look in the green eyes that he knows are losing hope about maybe not being able to patrol ever again cause that ache to deepen. His breathing has increased and he's not even aware of it till a voice that he will always answer to calls for him.

" Kacchan? Are you sure you're ok? You keep zoning out."

Crimson eyes lock onto the worried green ones.

" I'm fine Deku, stop worrying about me. And what have I been telling you about thinking this way?? You are gonna patrol again, you are gonna be out there kicking villain ass again. You are gonna be walking down the city streets with your nerdy notebook, rambling about quirks and heros in your shitty bunny looking hero suit and I'm going to be sure of it, understand me Deku? I get pisssd when things don't go my way, you know that, it's probably written in one of those nerd books of yours so you know I'm not going to quit until this situation goes my way and that means neither are you."

Green eyes are glassy and slightly wide. He wants to believe everything Katsuki is saying to him because out of most of the people in his life this blonde, bad mouthed hero has always been painfully honest with him.

He bites his lip trying to stop tears from falling as he nods.

" Ok Kacchan. Whatever you say."

The blonde eyes him as he stands up gathering plates to wash.

" I'm going to make sure you actually believe those words shitty Deku. Let's get ready to start your stretches."

Green eyes watch the blonde move to the sink and as if he isn't even conscious of what he's saying he speaks again surprising them both.

"Maybe I'll do all that but... but you'll still be leaving."

Katsuki freezes at the sink. His heart leaping into his throat as it beats rapidly feeling like it might choke him.

There's a lot he could say here and he isn't clear on exactly what those words should be in the moment.

He wasn't even aware Izuku felt so strongly about him being gone. The tone the greenett used is sad, wistful so he knows it bothers him.

Something inside Katsuki is scared to turn around, scared to see what those green eyes hold. So he doesn't but be does speak finally.

" One thing at a time Deku. Let's make sure we get you on your feet."

After dishes are done and teeth are brushed the greenett is laying on his back the floor in his sweats with the blonde crouched down at his feet.

" Ok nerd. The legs might not work yet and part of that is because we have to strengthen your back muscles so you need to do some crunches. Your core works so let's get going. I want fifty of them to start."

Izuku furrows his brows.

" Fifty?! After you just made me eat a ton of food?! And I haven't done these since the accident so how about twenty?"

The blonde scowls at him.

" Nope, fifty. Stop being lazy, you can burn that food off let's go."

Izuku grunts with frustration but then like always he does what Katsuki says because he knows he always will.

Crimson eyes watch carefully while he holds Izuku legs down for him. He sees him struggle at first, sees frustration in green eyes but after a few minutes he sees it get a little easier even as sweat beads on fair skin.

When the last crunch was done Izuku slumped back onto the floor panting.

" Good job Deku. See if you stop complaining and believing your unless you'll see you can do lots of shit you think you can't."

Izuku has his arm over his eyes as he catches his breath laying there and once again words he didn't plan on slip from his mouth.

" You use to think I was useless. It's how I got my hero name in the first place. Little usless Deku."

The sting of the words feels like a million bees.

Suddenly Izuku is very aware or what he just said, he removes his arm quickly.

" Kacchan.. I'm.. I'm sorry I.."

Katsuki doesn't let him finish.

" Don't ever apologize for speaking your truth. I know what I said. I know what I did. I know that I said some stupid shit back then that set you back on your heels. I said so much that I can't take back even if I wish I could. But if you know nothing else know that the last thing I think is that you are is useless. You flipped my words and shoved them back down my throat when you worked with every once of blood, sweat and tears you fucking had till you reached the top. Last thing in this world I think you are Deku is useless."

Green eyes blink rapidly at his childhood best friend. His words stirring emotions right away making tears brim.

The blonde hero clears his throat.

" Alright cry baby, enough chick flick moments. Back to work."

Izuku rolls his eyes laughing lightly as he wipes his tears with his sweatshirt.

" For a minute there I thought Lord Dynamite might actually have feelings.", the greenett says as he begins to do crunches again.

Katsuki watches him with his inner thoughts twisting.

' Oh he does you clueless nerd. He definitely fucking does and it pisses me off to no end.'

Our tale continues, stay tuned ♡

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