Waterblight Rage

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Saved, perhaps, from a fate unknown

True power of Divine Beast shown

The burden borne just easier to bear

With a gift only she could share

Hope reborn at least in slight

A friend regained and defeated blight

He ripped his hand away as smoke and malice began to pour from the terminal, lashing out at him in angry, whipping tendrils which grew with every second that passed. It gathered around the terminal in a thick smog, churning with terrible, sickening sounds, until the familiar blinding blue light came shooting out of it from every angle.

This was the thing controlling Ruta, no doubt. He tracked the beams as they shot forward, darting around him to collect at the other end of the room. Its body formed in haphazard shapes, and he tightened his grip on the Sword in anticipation.

Unlike the scourge of Medoh, this monstrosity was thin, long, and almost sickly in appearance. Like the first, it had no legs, its body ending in an awkward armored section dripping with malice. One arm ended in claws, the other in a weapon piece. It boasted no auxiliary canons or other stolen weaponry, excepting the spear which formed from a sharp hinge on its left limb. It glowed to life in one decisive rift, the same blue as the weapons the guardians wielded, only far larger and more menacing.

The top formed last, with its mask-like guardian head and swirling eye, focused on him from the moment it began to spin. Its whole head jerked with every swirl of its malice-covered body, but that eye never lost its target.

With a shriek and no further warning, it raised its spear, sweeping it across the water's surface to hit him.

On instinct alone he jumped, watching in the warped space between seconds as the spear swept under him, just inches from his boots. It howled in dismay at it missed chance, the spear clicking back into its hand as it watched him. Like it was trying to determine where he would go next.

"Take care," Mipha said softly. "It may seem to rest, but it will attack at a moment's notice. And that spear has a long range."

As if in response to her words, the spear clicked and turned, reaching its full extension again as the Blight reared its twisted body up and aimed—

Oh. It was going to throw it at him. Lovely.

Sure enough, the spear launched from its...hand?...at a quick pace, and he rolled to the right to avoid it, grimacing at the ache it set into his shoulders to do so. On impact, the spear tip shattered into fractures of blue light, setting a wave of that awful blue energy rippling across the water, singing his hands as he got to his feet. With a hum, the spear reformed on its hand.

Great. Excellent.

At range wouldn't work, not if he couldn't get in the air—and the air was dead within Vah Ruta, still and damp and silent, and he didn't even have his glider out, having put it away after he last used it—ranged attacks just wouldn't work, at least not as the thing was behaving now. He'd need to get closer if he wanted to any damage. And avoid the reach of that spear.

It tilted its head at him, the malice making up its body swirling and squelching. His mouth set into a scowl, hand clenching tight on the hilt of the Sword.

It raised the spear again with a shriek, and only then did he move.

Time bent to his will as he dodged the spear and moved in the opening it left behind.

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