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I'm so so so soooooo sorry that it took so long to post. I kept meaning to but then I either forgot or was busy working on other things.


Kara had to wake up early the next day since her hotel was pretty far away from the hospital.

Throwing on a pair of leggings and a plain blue t-shirt, she left the hotel and drove to the closest coffee place.


Walking up to a nurses station to grab one of her patient's charts she saw Yang who was auctioning off stuff.


"Hey" Mark was starting at an espresso machine.

"What is all this?"

"Yang's wedding gifts"

"She's giving them away. I have dibs on the mixmaster" Izzie had crazy written all over her face.

"I'm not giving you the mixmaster"

"Yang got married?"

"Nope got left at the alter" Mark chuckled.

"Ohh. That's a nice crockpot" Kara said examining the box.

"Whacha you got for it?"

"What do you want for it?" Kara raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you sure you're ready to part with this?" Mark pointed at the espresso machine.

"She's not. I want it" Izzie tried to grab the box.

"I am if I can help on the Rhomboid flap in your next Mohs defect repair"

Mark took Izzies hand off the box

"Come to daddy" And walked off.

"I have a c-section in about an hour or so"

"Right, you save babies. It'll look good if I help save a baby"

Kara grabbed the box and walked back to the attending lounge to drop the crockpot off.


Kara ran into the pit.

"Hey I was paged"

"Yeah, we got an 18-month-old, contusions, possible head injury. B.P. and pulse are elevated" Dr. Karev informed her.


Derek walked over "I heard there was a possible head injury on an 18-month-old"

"You heard correctly"

Kara pulled out an otoscope "how close was he to the explosion?" She had her hand lightly on the baby's chest to keep him still.

"Oh, we were, uh we were in the living room, his mom was in the kitchen," the dad said.

"The gas line blew?" Derek wondered

"I think it was the stove"

"All right, well we're going to run some tests on your baby. Karev, I'm going into surgery with the Chief keep me posted" Karev nodded.

A few moments later the baby started crying.

"Come on, B. It's okay. Brian, I'm here. It's okay, sweetheart" the dad tried to calm him down. "Brian, stop crying, baby. I can't... I can't think, baby... I'm... Why won't he stop crying?"

"Woah" Karev picked up Brian. "Whoa. Hey there, Brian. Whoa... Whoa, you're a big boy. Do you work out, huh? You take care..." He sniffed Brian's hair "Take care of yourself"

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