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I woke up two days later in Recovery Girl's office. 

I didn't remember what had happened, but when Aizawa showed up and reprimanded me deeply for doing something I knew would hurt me, I remembered. I was forced to stay overnight to make sure that my system wouldn't shut down on me again, so I ended up missing two days of classwork and three days of food. How dreadful. 

Although I was adamant on leaving, I was instantly proven why it was a bad idea when the window next to my bed blew open on accident and I almost went into cardiac arrest. Again, how dreadful. 

Luckily, Recovery Girl was able to save my life like the queen she is and later that afternoon I was walking down the hallway after school, getting a weird sense of deja vu. I opened the front door- still not having an umbrella- and was fully prepared to wait this time and not risk my life again- but I stopped when I saw who was sitting on the front steps of U.A. with an umbrella open and over their head as they held their phone in front of their face.

I discretely got my phone out of my skirt and sent a text before pocketing it again, walking up behind the half-hot and half-cold user with my arms crossed. At my footsteps, he hurriedly put his phone away and stood up to face me, rain now beginning to hit louder on the umbrella held over his head. 

"Todoroki." I said stoically and he took a light breath. 

"So, I guess a fever would kill you." I almost laughed at his words, but since they weren't funny and it in-fact had almost happened to me I didn't find it all that funny. Especially since it was coming from his mouth. 

Okay, fine. It was a little funny.

"Yes, it would." I walked past him and sat down on the steps where he'd just been, drops of liquid hitting my ankles gently as I got onto my phone again. I began to ignore him again, not caring as he again, walked over to acknowledge me. 

Screw his acknowledgement. 

"(Y/n), I'm sorry." I laughed and heard a small grunt from the teen behind me. 

"For what." I stated back, not really caring as a text appeared on the top of my screen. My eyes lit up and I quickly swiped it away and stood up, looking at the bicolor male behind me. 

"For letting this happen to you." I narrowed my eyes and laughed again. 

"See, that's what's funny to me, Todoroki. This wasn't you; you didn't let it happen, I did. This was me. What I want you to acknowledge is what had happened the day before that. Why were you mad at me? What did I do to you and why didn't you just tell me instead of bringing my best friend into it and letting me think that you hated me when I've tried so hard to make it obvious that I like you?" I paused. 

"You-" A burst of green and we turned at an awkward clearing of someone's throat. I lit up at the sight of Midoriya standing at the bottom of the steps in a rain coat and a baseball cap on his head. He looked up at me with a smile and then sent Todoroki an unreadable expression, his face darkening slightly. 

"Are you ready, (y/n)?" I nodded and turned back to Shoto one last time, opening and closing my mouth. I couldn't find the words to say, so I just sighed and turned away, being met with Izuku pressing the cap to my head. 

"I don't need you going back into the hospital right after getting out." He muttered with a smile as he took off the coat and draped it around my shoulders as I put my sleeves through, giggling with a shake of my head. 

"You're a hypocrite; you know that, right?" He sent me an offended look and I stuck my tongue out at him. He put me on his shoulders in a piggy-back and before we went off, I looked over my shoulder at the fire and ice wielder, who was holding the umbrella over his head as he stared at the ground at his feet. 

"Goodbye." I said and he didn't say anything, not acknowledging me in any way. 

I tapped Midoriya's shoulder to let him know that I was ready and he powered up, his entire body covering itself with green lightning. I loved seeing the way his eyes glowed. I buried my face in his neck and suddenly we were flying. Across the school's front lawn and down to the dorm building, I counted the entire time. 

What had normally taken Todoroki and I five minutes to walk had only taken Izuku twenty seconds. I'm sure it would've been even faster if I hadn't been on his back. But that thought only took my mind for a minute before we were suddenly outside the dorm, Izuku gently letting me off of his back as he shook what little rain had gotten on him out of his hair. 

I was barely wet. 

I could tell he knew that I didn't feel like talking- about my collapse or Todoroki- so he just asked if I was okay and when I answered positively, he looked at me for a good minute and then nodded. We shared a smile and he held the door open for me as we entered the entrance, greeting everyone that happened to be on the main floor. It wasn't much- mainly the smarties that were studying- but they crowded around me as Deku ducked around everyone and ran for the elevator, waving goodbye to me as he went. 

He was obviously embarrassed, so I didn't blame him and turned back to everyone as Iida and Momo fussed over me, asking about how I felt and if I needed everything. I was so entranced with everyone that I didn't even notice when Todoroki came inside, lifting a hand to scratch the top of his head. 

What I did see was Momo's eyes lifting and then her running past me and over to him, talking under her breath up at him. Since her massive ponytail wasn't up, I could see him standing over her, and I flinched when I realized that he was looking at me and not her.

He was staring at me like he was trying to read my mind.

Suddenly feeling sick to my stomach, I excused myself and wrapped my arms around myself, moving towards the stairs. Everything was silent for a second and then sound started up again, Momo and Iida rallying everyone up to continue studying as her and Todo apparently finished talking about whatever she had cornered him for. 

I was really hoping he hadn't followed me, but knew that I was going to be wrong as I turned and pressed my floor in the elevator, Shoto only a few feet away. I subtly shifted closer to the wall and reached a hand out, smashing the door-closing button multiple times in a row. 

I guess he could already tell what I was doing because as soon as I did so, he began walking even faster, subtly widening his eyes and pursing his lips. What did he want to talk to be about so bad anyways? Ugh. 

Thankfully, just as he reached the elevator, the doors closed and I could hear him slam his fist against the other side as I began moving up, taking a deep breath. 

I wondered how long I was going to avoid him for- even though it'd only been like half a hour- and then shook my head and crossed my arms, glancing at my phone. I opened it and moved to him number that Iida had forced us to give to everyone and pursed my lips. 

He deserved it; he didn't deserve me. I didn't deserve the way he'd treated me and I still didn't have an answer as to why. When he could finally tell me, I'd hear him out. For now, I just wanted him to know how pissed I was. 

I pressed the block number button on my screen and let out a breath, leaning my head back against the wall. I was done with him for now. 

The doors opened.

𝟏𝟑𝟏𝟐 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now