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So, my day ended up being absolutely not great. At all.

I ended up almost late to class- everyone giving me looks because of how awful I looked- and I could not pay attention. I ended up being called on in English but didn't know where we were in the book, so Present Mic took participation points off of the assignment and I almost cried.

During training one of Denki's gear piece malfunctioned and I almost died, so I spent the rest of the day in the nurse's office crying while Recovery Girl checked on me every once in a while. When I was released, there was only about ten minutes of class left anyways, so I headed to the front of the school and walked out the doors, seeing that it was as rainy and gloomy outside as I felt on the inside.


I ended up sitting down to the side of the door, right where I'd been the first time Shoto told me to walk with him. I didn't know how I was going to get back to my room this time. Midoriya said he had extra training after school today and no one else knew about my predicament. Plus, more or less people left through side doors so chances of running into anyone going through these doors? Zero.

I was too late to move to any other doors now anyways. So, I decided to bide my time and wait until something happened. I pulled my legs up to my chest, crossed my arms and rested them on my knees, and closed my eyes.

"-your emphasis on the topic, Todoroki." My eyes slowly opened and I side-eyed whoever came out of the school, the large doors creaking open loudly.

"I agree." Momo stood closest to me, Shoto on the other side of her. Where I was sitting, I could only see her back, so Todoroki noticed me, not making any sort of move to acknowledge me. He just glanced at my sad form and locked his eyes back on my beauty of a best friend before she could even notice that he'd looked away.

"Would you like to walk back to the dorms with me?" He asked and I closed my eyes again, not wanting to see what he and I had been just three days ago. I heard her quietly answer and then two sets of footsteps leaving the concrete as an umbrella opened.

I counted to ten and then opened my eyes.

There they were. The two most beautiful and richest people in our class. They were walking side by side down the sidewalk, chatting and just overall looking like they were doing a casual shoot for a magazine.

Who was I to compete with that?

So, I just put my head down and closed my eyes, willing the rain to go away. Go away. I sat up and reached into my bag, pulling out my Airpods and taking them both out. Putting them in, I waited for them to connect and searched for a particular song as I stood and walked down the steps of U.A.

"Hey, this is a story I hate..."

I stepped off the last stair and let the rain overtake me. I immediately started to feel down- like a light sickness- but I pushed on and started walking, Madison Beer's song playing loudly through my ears.

"I guess my friends were right..."

I was leaving the grounds, walking slowly so I wouldn't push myself, although my bag was starting to get heavy and I just wanted to sit down. Stupid quirk.

"You might love her now, but you loved me first..."

The lyrics had me thinking about Shoto and I's predicament. Sure he didn't love me, but he must've felt something, right? He had to; Shoto didn't talk to anyone he didn't worthy of his attention, which is why he hung around Uraraka purely for the sake of Deku.

Sure he didn't talk to the bubbly girl on his own- I'm pretty sure he's never actually talked to her- but he absolutely adored Deku, so he had to put up with his friends for the sake of his best friend.

"And she must be perfect, oh well..."

Back to the main point; I was absolutely devastated by what had happened.

I sneezed, bringing me out of my deep thoughts. I was almost to the dorm building, and it was pouring more than ever. I could barely even see anything at that point besides just the outline of the building.

My knee almost gave out, but I stayed up and kept walking, wincing at the feeling of my soaked socks and flooded shoes.

"When you told me that I was the only girl..."

I wondered if Momo knew knew about what was going on between me and Shoto. Did she know that I was there in the rain, right behind her? Did she know that she had walked right in front of me? Did she know that I had feelings for Shoto- of course not.

She was under the the impression that I had a crush on Izuku because we'd bonded once over homework. She'd probably assumed that I'd only hung out with Shoto once to walk home- had she ever actually see us hang out before? Now that I thought about it, probably not.

So I couldn't really blame her. Momo was my best friend and despite being rich- stupid rich- she was still about as humble as she could be.

That made it even worst- if Momo had been a bad person and done this on purpose that would've been fine. Because at least then I would be able to blame her, but instead I was stuck with my best friend maybe talking to the guy I liked and she didn't even notice.

What a life.

"Said you'd never hurt me, but here we are..."

Honestly, I was surprised by how far I made it considering getting sick was basically lethal to me, despite what Shoto had said to me the first time we walked. Stupid quirk. Anyways, I was actually coming up close on the dorms when my left leg gave out and I fell to my knee. I took a minute to recuperate and then stood back up, limping slightly as I made my way up the stairs as gently as I could.

My body was in so much physical pain that I could barely move, so it was a battle itself just to walk up the steps, and I was literally crying out in pain with every step, breathing heavily as I wrestled my way over to the front wall, leaning against the door as a sharp pain suddenly made itself known in my side.

I cried out again, but I knew nobody would hear me as the rain was too loud.

"How could you be so reckless with someone's heart..."

I reached out to my left and turned the handle, the door opening suddenly with my weight on it and I fell sideways into the main room, the carpet instantly becoming soaked as I landed on it.

"Oh my- (y/n)?" I heard from all around me as I slowly turned onto my stomach and began to lift myself with my arms, doing a weird sort of push-up so I could get back onto my feet. My hair fell wetly around my shoulders and framed my face as droplets fell to the floor around me.

Music still played dramatically in my ears as I sat up and managed to tuck my legs under me before I fell so I would stay up. Breathing deeply, I looked up at everyone and smiled lightly, chuckling.

Before I knew what was happening, I was falling backwards, my eyes rolling backwards in the back of my head. I landed in someone's arms and apologized quietly, taking a light breath.

"(Y/n), why are you saying you're sorry? You're going to die- what were you thinking?" I just closed my eyes and let my head roll to the side, deciding to take a quick nap as more people started screaming for Aizawa and help.

"Hey, this is a story I hate, but I told it to cope with the pain. I'm so sorry if you can relate."

𝟏𝟑𝟏𝟐 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐭.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora