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"all i got is these broken clocks i don't got no time just burning daylight"
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Broken Clocks
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ᵛᴼᴸᵁᴹᴱ: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯ ⁸⁰

Aug 05.
First Day of School/10th grade
Brielle's POV
I really don't want to be here right now..... I thought as I was staring the clock up and down with my eyes. All today we had lectures, lectures, and more lectures about the new school year. However nobody will ever follow them. "Pull your pants up, wear a belt, be at class on time" that along with millions of other rules will get ignored by the countless students who come everyday.
This is 7th period, so my happiness is climbing up by the minute. I really just want to spend time with my two friends outside of school, like always. I'm not that talkative so I don't have anybody else really. We all took different classes until 7th period. My two close friends are Lilah Hudson and Levi Grayson, however I have known Levi longer. This past summer has been filled with fun with them, but I guess everything has to come to an end.
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"nothing but love for you, nothing but love"
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As the bell rung, all three of us got up and rushed to the student pickup center. Because everybody and they grandma drove to school it was imperative that we got in Levi's car on time. Levi was the only one who could drive legally, partially because he had more freedom than the both of us.

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"think I forgot you love me, you love me, you love me"
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While riding in Levi's car, he is doing everything but driving. Whether that's playing with the radio or messing with us we always have to remind him that our lives are at stake.
"May you please keep your eyes on the road," Lilah said, making sure she spoke as loud as she could over Levi's music. "I am very much paying attention," Levi said changing the station as he spoke. It was only when he ran the stop sign past my house that he realized needed to pay attention.
Being at home feels like a dream come true for today. As I lay my backpack down I notice the kitchen is clean with no trace of anyone. They must be gone again. They always are.
I live with my stepmom Britney and stepsister Mila however I sometimes feel like a complete stranger. If they go somewhere they leave me out, or if I do go with them they make me feel like I don't belong.
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"all i got is these broken clocks i don't got no time just burning daylight"
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My dad was a huge part of my life throughout my childhood, and it was always me and him. He was a business owner, and he tried to be there for it all. My real mom was never in my life, so he was all I had. He got remarried when I was 14 however before he could live in his marriage he died.
Even though I am his only daughter, he left his fortune with my stepmom, and she along with her daughter have been living off of it ever since. Their comments about my looks, the way I dress, and countless amounts of other things are the reason I'm insecure now.

As I make my way to my room, I see a note that is written carelessly by my stepmom
"We are gone... will be back soon"
She does this every time, and I know she won't be back for days. I wonder how long will she live off my dad. I mean it's been two years, and she hasn't got a job since. I guess she's just going to run through his money until none is left.
I find that extremely selfish because even though I am smart and have the ability to get scholarships, I don't know how I'm going to pay for college. She doesn't really mention me in her plans for spending money, so I know she could care less about how, when, and where I go to school.
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"i was down for whatever and then some"
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As I was putting my backpack down, my phone started ringing. I really want to ignore it because of how tired I am, but it could be my boyfriend, so I answer it anyway. Kai is my everything. We met at the end of my 9th-grade year, and we have been together ever since. He is one year older than me so we hardly take any classes together.  Seeing his very name on the screen, I fix my voice to a facade of happiness.

"Heyyy baby," I say immediately as I answer the phone.
"You want to come to the movies with me," Kai asked completely ignoring the fact that I said hey to him.
"Well hello to you too," I respond "what time?"
"7:00," he said, and I couldn't ignore the rush in his voice.
"Okay, I love-," but before I could say "you" he hung up. Here lately he hasn't been very affectionate I don't if it's because of the stress from football, but he acts as if he doesn't have time to speak to me.
Even though it makes me feel bad I have to ignore it because he's all that I have and I know deep in my heart that he loves me even though he doesn't show it as much as I want him to.
6:30 pm/ Brielle's house
With time running out, I start to put on my clothes, worrying about how this date will go. I don't know whether to go with classy clothes or streetwear. I mean it is the movies, so I guess streetwear is the best option.
Before long l notice Kai's car outside however his homeboys are with him, which is really a surprise. He would never bring them on our dates. One of them is in the passenger seat, and the others are in the back, so I wonder where I'm going to sit.

I know already that this date will be the longest one ever.

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