Part 10

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Her grip on my head finally persists as her legs went limb on my shoulders. I swallow hard before getting up, crawling back on the bed and lying next to her, breathless. My back and the sheets were covered in blood, but we didn't care. Finally, lying on my back, she rolls over to lay on my chest. 

"That was fun~ hehe~" she said drawing little circles on my chest. My back was a bit sore and taking longer to heal since I spent my energy on her. I flipped over onto my stomach and kissed togas temples. We both yawned and knew we should sleep. Shifting to my side, we snuggle up to one another, slowly drifting off to sleep. 

I woke up after a couple of hours. Checking the time, it was 3:33 in the morning. I tried to move but toga was attached to my arm like a parasite. I sighed, knowing she's not going to let me go. I slightly turned over, grabbing my dagger from my bedside table. Slowly cutting my arm off a little way away from the socket so it won't take forever to regenerate. Slowly getting up, i peck her on the cheek before going to the bar. 

I walk into the bar, Kurogiri cleaning as he usually does in his free time. He's the only reason we don't live in a dump. 

"Lemme get a-"

"Vodka on the rocks, I know. Pull up a stool" he said, turning around and starting to make my drink.

I'll never admit it but besides Dabi, Giri is my favorite person on this team. So sad what happened to his daughter though. Only God knows how many times me and Giri have had midnight talks at the bar while everyone else was either asleep or on a mission or just out doing their own thing. Giri never cries but I can hear the sadness in his voice when he talks about her. 

After Giri gave me my drink and I took a long swig, I heard togas tiny feet walking down the hall, getting closer and closer. Until she came in with my decapitated arm and the cutest pout on her face. Giri and I chuckled while she threw my arm away. 

"Hi my little vampire~" I said finishing the rest of my drink before putting it back on the counter. Her coming to me and sitting on my lap. 

"Why'd you leave~?" she whined while pouting. I chuckled, pulling out my box of cigarettes and my favorite pistol lighter. 

"Darling, I had to get up and you wouldn't let me go. I didn't want to wake you. You look so cute when you're asleep." I said, putting my cigarette between my lips before lighting it and inhaling. Letting it settle in my lungs before breathing out my nose. She didn't like that I smoke, but she did like watching the smoke come out my mouth and nose like a dragon. She caressed my cheek before kissing me.

"You taste like smoke and vodka." she said taking my box of cigarettes, trying to throw them away. I roll my eyes, chuckling and easily grabbing my box back. I love when she tries to do stuff, she knows she's too small for. I kissed her temple about to get up when Dabi, Shigaraki, and Twice busted through the door like the damn cops. Panting like tired dogs. 

"The hell are you three tired from." I asked confused and a little concerned. Those three don't run from anything unless they need to. 

"we...we...we.." twice struggled to speak before he passes out on the floor from exhaustion.

"Damn it twice, we told you not to exhaust your quirk damnit." Dabi said, trying to sound calm and control his breathing. 

"What the fuck happened to you three," i asked again, annoyed while I pick up twices unconscious body, throwing him over my shoulder. 

"God damnit!" Shigaraki pulls out his phone to show me an almost blurred picture of two people. Heroes of course. I raised my eyebrow confused and a little weirded out. They oddly looked like me. Maybe a little too much like me. I looked Shigaraki dead in the eyes, waiting for an answer.

"We found your parents." My eyes widened and I dropped Twice.

Author out ;)

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