chapter 31 : cold feeling

Start from the beginning

"Morning party animal" she laughs at me.

"Morning" I yawn back moving further into the room a couple centermeters away from Bentley.

I look over at Bentley with a small glare.

He only returns my look with an eye roll and scoff.

I fight the internal battle to ask what his problem was but decided not to.

Bentley shuffles his weight slightly before turning around and draging his car keys off the counter.

"Im leaving mabey think about what I said hailee and mabey when your done being sensitive I'll see you" Bentley coldly says his eyes boring into hailee as he regards her up and down.

I grit my teeth pushing down the urge to launch myself at him for even speaking like that let alone how hes looking at hailee.

Bentley then regards me with a sneer before walking out the kitchen.

I watched hailee as she waited for a clear sign Bentley was gone.

The door slams leaving hailee and I behind.

Hailee looks lost in her own thoughts as she plays with a stand of hair and biting her nails on her other hand.

"Coffee" hailee ask me clearly snapping out of her thoughts and rushing over to the coffee pot.

" I would love some" I reply pulling out a stool from behind the bar and sitting on it.

The room stays quiet with the only noise being the rain from outside and hailee making the coffee.

" can I ask what that was about" I venture out to hailee asking softly.

Hailee visibly flinches before opening a cupboard to get out a cup placing it gently on the side as she runs her finger around the cups rim.

"He was asking why you were here" she tells me her back still facing me as her voice slightly shakes.

"I told him you got drunk last night and needed somone to pick you up that's all " she further explains rushing the last words as she pours the coffee.

She then turns to me and slides the coffee towards me a smile on her face.

I look at her my eyes being the main portrait of the questions I'm asking.

A Further explanation? And concern.

" how you feeling" hailee ask dismissing my questioning eyes.

"Groggy the rooms slightly spinning" I chuckle taking a sip from my coffee.

She smiles humming in response before turning to a small cabinet behind her head and retrieving some ibuprofen and painkillers.

" take one of each then splash your face with some cold water" she advises me her eyes looking me over.

I pop 2 pills and swallow them down with coffee I get off the stool and run the cold tap at the kitchen sink and splash my face.

"Your clothes are in the bathroom as well as a towel if you want a shower I have I couple hours till work so drop you off at the club to get your car" hailee explains to me playing with her fingers as she glances up at me.

"Thanks sunshine I'll go grab a shower now and be ready soon" I smile back warmly.

I turn off the tap and exit the kitchen only to stop in the dark hallway glancing at the 2 doors near me.

" first doors the bathroom" hailee shouts out to me clearly sensing that I was lost.

"Thanks" I shout back entering the bathroom and shutting it behind me.

Hour later

"Thanks for this sunshine I really appricte it" I smile at her turning from looking out the window to look at her.

"Anytime and feel free to drop in now you know where I live" she tells me tapping her hands against the steering wheel as she gives me the biggest smile.

"Sure I'll drop a text if I'm around" i cheerfully say smiling back happy to have an invite.

I turn away from hailee swallowing down the overexcitment wishing to spill out.

" god I'm gonna get soaked" I laugh turning to hailee as the rain comes down a little harder.

"Stop being a baby you moving literally and inch from here to your car" hailee comments like she was talking to a child her mouth pouted.

I only roll my eyes in response opening up the car door ready to step out.

I step out the car and instantly wish to shut the door and start in the warm of the car.

I get out and lean into the car only to be met with hailee laughing at me.

"You already look like a drowned rat" she giggles a small smirk on her face.

I shake my head with the same smirk on my face closing the door in response.

" text me when you get home okay and dont forget to take some more painkillers in a couple hours I gotta go but I'll see you around" hailee shouts out the window bending down to see me out the window.

"Yes mam" I laugh stepping away from the car as hailee readies it to pull off.

I watch as hailee pulls off out the car park and speeds away.

Thats when the cold hits me I couldnt tell you if it was the cold of the rain or the cold feeling i felt everytime she leaves.

Authors note

Hiya sorry it's been a while anyway to make up for it I'm going to give you a double update yay!

Anyway hope u have been alright.

And that u enjoyed this chapter.

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