"do you want to hang out tonight ?."

Start from the beginning


-YASSS !!!!!!!
Hunk and Lance jumped on their friend like fangirls .

-SO ! who's the "her" ?
lance asked with a stupid smirk on his face .
keith blushes .

-first , I told you I wasn't sure of my feelings ..

-tell us about it .
Hunk answered while puting food on his mouth .

-well huu... im not good with words .. I cannot explain that ..

-take your time dude , love is hard to understand  ..
lance said , leaning on the table .
keith stayed silent for a moment . He was thinking hard .

-well.... I would say that she is the only person that makes me comfortable enought to relax but in the same time , when im with her , I feel like I just want to ... you know .. make sure she is ok , I guess..
also when im with her , I sure feel peaceful but in the same time I feel like my heart is boiling . Sometimes , just by looking in each other's eyes , we understand what the other is saying . She is adorable and realy impressif .. she don't give a fuck about what other say and every time a guy apprauch her , I -

keith stoped talking when he saw his two friends straring at him with wide eyes . Hunk literally made his food fall on the table .

-dude . DUDE ! You do love that girl !!
Hunk said getting up .

-Tell us more about her !!
lance said .

-well .. I don't know ..

-wait , it's not Allura right ? If it's her , Then im sorry to tell you that she is mine .

-no , not Allura !!

-is it Romelle ? Nadia ? Ina ? nha ... I don't think any of them are your style actualy but ... we never know !!

-no ....

-.... is it one of my sisters ?..

-No !

-then who ?... is she human ? Is she working at the garrison -
Hunk couldn't finish his question because Pidge arrived at their table .

-hi guys ! Keith , I give you this paper . Its for Kosmo , if you want him to get in the Atlas , you have to fill all this . it's for people with alergies and stufs.. I told them that Kosmo shouldn't be a problem but just in case , you should fill it .

-ho hum.... sure . Thanks .
Keith answered with a little bit of difficulty and blushing a little .

-well , what were you guys talking about ? You seem bothered by me right now  .
pidge said giggling .

-we were talking about ... CARS!
lance said the first thing that came to his mind.

-okkk?... then I let you there , I have a lot of work to do out there , see you later ..
pidge walked away .

-IT'S HER , ISN'T IT ?!!!
Hunk screamed when pidge was far enought .

Keith became conpleatly red .

lance said with a big smile

-dude , are you constantly talking to her like that ?
hunk asked

-liiiike whaat ?..
keith said not understanding .

-like " PIDGE !! form chield " during battles and " yes sure whatever ..." has her friend ?
At lance's words , Keith started thinking .
He didn't answered .

-Gosh Keith , this is not how you get a girl to like you ... she might actualy think that you find her anoying ...
Lance continued.

-yea man , show her that you are interested !
Hunk added .

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