"do you want to hang out tonight ?."

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Keith , Hunk and Lance were having lunch in the garrison together ( a few weeks before the Atlas  : Lance was already with Allura and Hunk was with Shay .)

-haaaaa... having someone that loves you is the best ... right Hunk ?

-For real , this is my first time being with someone and I feel like I could never let go ..

-right ! poor people that are still alone ...

Keith was looking to his plate but then looked at the two guys that obviously forgot that he was there .

Keith was alone since his BIRTH ... not that people didn't find him atractive , actualy , he is , but he never founded someone that made his heart beat harder or whatever "love" makes you feel . Well actualy , those last times , he has been thinking . He has been feeling something he never felt before ..
he felt that way around Pidge .. was it love ? He couldn't tell ever since he never loved anyone that way before ...

when he was around Pidge he just felt so peacefull.. like he could tell her any of his thoughts just by looking in her eyes and she will understand it all . Pidge was so small and to hug her seemed to be so soft . ( he never realy huged her ...)

her laugh , her smile .. plus , she was super impressive ! Despite of her high , she can litterally kick almost anyone's ass...

keith blushed a little just by those those thoughts . Lance and Hunk turned to him .

-ups , sorry dude , we forgot that you didn't had anyone ... but it's not that bad , you have time for youreslf and you are "free" ...
hunk said scraping the back of his head.

-but wait .. How could no one beeing interested in a paladin of volron ? The paladin of the black lion ? Might be the haircut ..
lance said .

-shut up lance ..
keith said anoyed that lance was always coming back to the fact that his haircut looked bad to him .

-actualy Lance , I feel like Keith has a fanbaze full of people .. he is rather popular...
Hunk said .

-WHAT ?! no way ! Im the most atractive .
Lance said letting the two other boys silent .

-anyways keith , no stress .. im not even sure that you are looking for something like that ... are you ?..
hunk asked .

-yea , have you even ever loved someone ?
keith stayed silent and blushed a little .

Lance screamed..

- I... WHAT ?!  No !... no...
keith blushed even more .

-HOHO !! who's the lucky one ?! What is their name ?!!!
hunk grabed Keith's shoulders and started shaking him .

-I don't even know if I like her ...
keith said hiding his face on his hands .

-hoooo , so it's a "her" right ?~~~
Hunk got his head closer to keith's .

keith looked at his feets .

-tell us more , maybe we can help you with that !
lance said arboring a smirk on his face .

-lance , don't take it bad but I think that your help will make things go bad .
Keith said .

- ok , but who has a girlfriend and who doesn't ?
lance said with his hands on his hips .

-let us help you , you emo , shy , mullet guy .
He continued .

keith stayed silent for a few sec .
he knew he would probably need help . He has never been through this ... Lance ans hunk are his friends after all ...

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