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"If you can't focus, you just need to try harder," Souda said.

"That doesn't help!" Hinata told him.

"Maybe try taking breaks in-between studying?" Koizumi asked.

"That doesn't help either,"

"How about studying a bit every day?" Kuzuryuu said.

"But this exam is soon, I can't waste any time,"

"Well, if you're going to deny all our advice, we might as well stop trying to help," Souda told him.

"I'm not ignoring it, I just tried it already and it didn't help!"

"You're just looking for problems." Koizumi said and left. The others did the same.

Hinata sighed and put his head in his hands. Tears of frustration began building in his eyes. He hated crying. It made him feel pathetic and not manly, even if he knew crying was actually okay.

The classroom door opened. "Ignore me, Hinata-kun, I just forgot my- oh... are you okay?"

Hinata didn't want to look up. He didn't want to be seen like this. Especially not by Komaeda, who always admired how he never broke down in exaclty this way.

The pale boy walked towards him. "What's wrong?"

"Stupid fucking school..."

"Oh, is it because of studying?"

Hinata looked up. His hands were wet now and he whiped them on his pants.

"Oh... uhm, it's gonna be fine." Komaeda rubbed his back. "Do you want a hug?"

Hinata wrapped his arms around Komaeda and pulled him close. They both let go after a while.

"So what's the issue?" Komaeda asked.

"I'm gonna fail this stupid exam for sure, but I just can't focus when I'm studying and no one has any good advice! And then they say that I'm making my own problems, but I just already tried their stupid solutions!"

Komaeda nodded. "I see. Well, you just need to have hope! Even if you fail your exam, hope will guide the way for you,"

"Fucking hope isn't gonna let me pass my exams!" Hinata yelled.

"I don't think you have to fuck hope, no," Komaeda told him with a straight face.

"Then what do I do?" Hinata said, chuckling a bit.

"Have I ever told you about my luck cycle?"

"Yeah, you did,"

Komaeda smiled. "Good. I told you that if something bad happens to me, something good will follow. And if the whole class passed their exams, that would really bring me hope! So we just have to make something bad happen to me in order to make you all pass!"

"Hey, good idea!" Hinata grinned. "But I don't want you to get hurt,"

"I see. Then let's make a list or things that don't hurt, but would still be bad!" He pulled out his notebook.

"Loosing your homework,"

"Good idea." He wrote it down. "Insulting Kuzuryuu-kun,"

"Pekoyama would kill you. Don't do that,"

"Getting run over,"

"Don't even attempt that,"

"Uhm... getting kidnapped, boiled alive, stabbed, killed-"

"I said I don't wanna hurt you!" Hinata hissed.

"Right. Haha... to think someone would care about trash like me... how kind..."

"Calm down with that hope stuff. Anyway, we need more ideas,"

"Of course! I'm at your service!" He grinned.

"Service?" Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. For today, I'm your perfect humble servant,"

Hinata nodded. "Yeah, humble for sure,"

They continued to make the list, but couldn't find anything that was quite right.

The day of the exam came closer and closer until it was finally there. Komaeda ran to school, still trying to eat breakfast. He had overslept. Then, a car drove past him and through a puddle, which splashed him with water. Komaeda finally arrived as everyone entered the exam room.

"Hinata-kun, I'm sure you'll pass! This morning was super horrible!"

Hinata smiled awkwardly and nodded.

A week later, they got the exam back and Hinata had passed it. After school, he went up to Komaeda and hugged him tight.

"I passed because of you! Haha! You're my lucky charm!"

Komaeda smiled. "I knew it! My luck cycle was finally useful!" He cheered.

"Actually... I don't even think it was because of that,"

"Huh? Then how did you pass?"

"Well, it's only a guess, but... maybe it helped to motivate me that someone finally listened to my problems instead of telling me I'm causing them on purpose,"

Komaeda smiled even brighter. "Really? I'm so glad I could help!"

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