Through the Lens (Crosshair x Reader)

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*crawls out of the void* HOLY KRIFF I'M BACK-

Hello lovelies! Thank you all for your immense patience from my last update back in... *chokes* May- I now have more content to provide you! I've been in a little bit of a Crosshair brainrot since season 2 episode 3 came out, and so I wrote this! And no worries if you haven't gotten to season 2 yet, there's no spoilers for that in here. Anyways, hope you enjoy! (I've had this concept sitting in the back of my mind for MONTHS, I kid you not. It's so nice that have it out of my head to some extent haha)

Also, mostly Crosshair POV!


A cold night's breeze whistled through the filters in Crosshair's helmet, only just quieter than his own breathing echoing in his ears. His hands- steady as always- held his signature smooth blaster rifle in his grip. His armor-adorned chest pressed into the cool, grassy ground, feet dug slightly into the dirt. And his eye was peering right down the scope of the gun. There wasn't many times where the grumpy clone commando felt at peace, but this was one of them.

Somehow the weight of the rifle in his hands and the strangely comfortable feeling of the ground beneath his chestplate was rather soothing. Perhaps it was just because being a sniper was a key part of what he was meant to do, to the extent that it comforted him by simply feeling so natural? He wasn't certain, but being alone this long did give him a lot of time to think... and very few chances of annoyances to disturb him, namely his brothers.

He shifted his rifle a bit, eye training on the ground a distance off from the cliff top he lay on, scouting for any signs of danger below. He could see The Marauder from here, nestled near a clump of trees which provided it some cover. Despite that, Hunter was unwavering in his decision that someone should keep watch anyways, and Crosshair had been quick to take up the offer. 

Having been studying the Marauder for a bit too long of a moment, he was about to move the scope away, until he noticed there was a light streaming out from the interior of the ship. Someone was stepping down the ramp too, and Crosshair zoomed in just a slight bit more before his enhanced vision finished the job for him.

The sight had him frowning in disapproval. "What are they doing...?" he muttered under his breath, more in an irritated disappointment than anything. The figure was you; he shouldn't have been surprised in hindsight. 

You were a well trained medic, but you weren't experienced in being on planets with far more potential dangers than wildlife. And that also meant you weren't the most used to keeping yourself hidden either. "Get back into the ship, you idiot..." Crosshair found himself grumbling, despite simmering more in an anger towards his brothers for having not stopped you.

Although... he couldn't deny you weren't the worst thing his scope could have picked up. For all your faults, you did always carry about with you a reassuring presence, just an energy that made him feel like he could let his shoulders loosen a bit. Perhaps that was a trait trained into you as apart of being a medic. Either way, he didn't dare to admit it, but he did sometimes seek you out for the sole purpose of just being in that presence... usually as he cleaned his rifle. 

On top of that, you did have some rather attractive features to you. Crosshair couldn't deny there was a certain way you held yourself that was appealing, and as he studied you through the scope of his rifle, he found himself admiring how the shape of your form was satisfying to the eye.

A nightly creature's call cut through the dark skies, and Crosshair jolted in spite of himself. He grunted in pain as his head connected briefly with an overhanging branch, and as he lowered his rifle from his eye, he removed his helmet to rub at the spot of impact on his mostly bald head. Osik, had he been staring at you so immensely that he lost focus on the task at hand? Crosshair grimaced, feeling an embarrassed wave of heat wash over his cheeks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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