2016-NYC-London-33: Non Obstante Veredicto

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November 9, 2016

"You're back, you lazy bitch, and all tan too," Amber bounced into my office first thing Monday morning. "Where did you go? Jamaica? I've heard it's gorgeous. You must have spent a lot of time on the beach to get that tan. Who did you say you went with?"

Sometimes her offhand manner of bombarding a person with questions has the result of throwing them off so that they answer the final question without thinking about the others. It's a great tactic because by burying the most important question last, you've got the witness thinking about the other questions when you zing them. But I'm no rube on the stand.

"I didn't say," was my response as I sorted through the files on my desk.

"Ohhhh....Must have been some guy." Tilting her head, she examined me. "Then again, I haven't seen you with any male other than the homeless one in the alley." Her eyebrows raised as her eyes widen. "Oh my god, Van! Are you gay? Or bi? Is that why I haven't met this special person? You don't want me to know you're dating a woman?"

Sifting through all of the possible responses, I finally shrugged. "Who says I'm seeing anyone?"

"Ugh," Amber pouted, "I told you everything about Sven. You went to Jamaica with someone. Why won't you tell me who?"

Examining her, I felt badly for not sharing anything at all with her about Harry and the situation. Leaning forward as if I were going to reveal the best secret ever, I whispered, "I was with some musicians who were recording an album."

"Ugh. If you don't want to tell me who, just say so. Don't pretend it was some work commitment. As if you're important enough around here to go on work trips like that," she huffed prissily, flouncing from my office.

Part of me felt badly, but I hadn't lied to her. I was merely keeping some details to myself. If she chose not to believe that I was there with a group of musicians, there wasn't anything I could do to change her mind. Except, of course, come clean completely about Harry. And that wasn't going to happen.


December 19, 2016

"Happy Anniversary, Brains!" Harry's voice yelled over the phone.

Townes jumped into my lap and licked at the phone. I pushed her away and pointed to her bed. With a dirty look in my direction, she slunk away and plopped herself there.

"Huh? Anniversary?" My confusion was evident. What was he talking about?

"Two years! It's been two years since that night we met. Can you believe it?"

Stunned, I sat back on the couch, my phone falling to my lap.

"Ouch!" Harry laughed, and I scrambled to pick up the phone. "Why are you dropping me?"

"Sorry. Thought I saw a spider," I lied. Was he kidding? Our contract was less than two years' old, but he was right. For two years, I hadn't fucked anyone other than Harry. That suddenly seemed insane to me.

"You're not scared of spiders, are you, Brains?" he teased, and I shook my head to get myself back into the conversation. What the hell was I thinking?

"No. Not scared of spiders, Harry. Just thrown a bit by the two years thing. Took me by surprise."

"Me, too, but I was watching our SNL show last night, and that's when it hit me. We met the night before. Remember?"

Oh yes. I remembered. "That was hot." I murmured.

"You know you said that out loud?" Harry taunted, laughing, "But it's okay because I happen to agree. That was an amazing fuck. Four stars if I remember correctly."

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