Chapter Eleven

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"What the fuck." They stopped and looked at you. "What's wrong?" John asked. "Care to explain to me why Alex just told me that you were the one to give him the black eye and busted lip?" You asked glaring at John as he balled his hands into fists. "I didn't mean to Y/N. He was trying to find you and we all told him that we were gonna find you and that it was dangerous for him to be out by himself." John snapped. "Y/N John didn't mean to, he panicked and when he tried to grab Alex to stop him he slipped and when he tried to pick himself up then Alex slipped and banged his face." Dick lied as everyone looked at each other and agreed.

You looked down as you began playing with your hands. "Why don't we go to bed baby. It's late alright." Tim said, getting up and gently grabbing your hand and leading you to his bedroom. John sighed and got up as he made his way to Alex's room. Alex stopped reading his book and froze as he saw John. "I'm sorry I couldn't sleep." John smiled and sat next to him. "Alex I'm sorry that I hit you I was just scared that I was going to lose you too." He said. "But papa ran away for a reason." He said and John sighed. He then thought of an idea. "Alex, the reason why papa ran away was because, well he's sick." He said and Alex looked at his dad with wide eyes. "What?" He asked and John hugged him. "Yeah and you know those pills he takes?" Alex nodded. "Well they help him to relax and not do what he used to do. And can you help us out and make sure that he takes them and that he's alright because without them he." Alex hugged his dad as he cried softly.

John smirked as he hugged his son back. That should stop you both for a while. "Do you want me to read a couple of pages from the book you were reading, until you fall asleep?" He asked, grabbing the book. Alex wiped his cheeks and nodded. "Yes please." He said and snuggled close as John began to read. John shut the book and kissed his forehead and marked the book before placing it on the side and turning the light off and shut the door.

He made his way to see you and Tim was on his laptop while Dean was sleeping with you in his arms. "You alright John?" He asked as the man nodded and told him what he told Alex. "I love that kid so much, and Y/N so hopefully they will be alright now." Tim said as Dean snored and you sat up. "Baby go back to sleep." John said softly. "I would if Dean wasn't snoring so loudly." You mumbled rubbing your eyes. John chuckled and Dean grumbled as he pulled you back down and buried his face in your neck. You smiled and closed your eyes before falling back asleep. John smiled as Tim closed his laptop and laid down falling asleep.

"Dad, have you taken your pills?" Alex asked as he came up to you. "Not yet Alex, come on, get ready for school and I'll take them now." You said as you stood up and went into the kitchen and took your pills. "Good boy." You turned around and saw Damian as you smiled. Sam came in and saw you and Damian making out. You were on the kitchen side as Damian's hands were on your thighs. You pulled away and got down as you walked up to Sam and kissed him too. Sam smiled as he kissed you back.

You looked at him and he smiled as you buried your face in the crook of his neck and you began to suck his blood as Damian grabbed your tail and began playing with it as he kissed your neck. "What are you three doing?" You pulled away from them as Lily tilted her head. "Nothing sweetie now come on let's get you to school." You said as you grabbed Dean's car keys and grabbed their coats. "Dad, what are you doing?" Alex asked. "Taking you three to school." You said as Alex looked at the house. It should be alright. You were only taking your kids to school.

"By papa." Max yelled as Lily and Alex waved goodbye and went to class. You smiled and drove off and decided to stop and grab something to drink. You walked in the coffee shop and waited in line. "Hi what can I get ya?" The lady asked as you smiled. "Hello can I please get D/N." She smiled back and you sat down as you waited for your name to be called. You got your order and got back in the car. You were going to go straight home but you ended up getting side tracked and found yourself in a bookstore. You decided to get Alex some more books to read. You then went to buy something for Max and Lily as well.

You completely lost track of time as when you got home it was 4 o'clock. You pulled up and got out of the car, making sure to grab your things before making your way inside. "Papa." Max ran to you and you smiled. You gave them their stuff and went to find Alex. You found him with Jason in the library and they were reading Hamlet. "Dad." Alex got out of Jason's lap and ran to you. Jason sighed with relief as he saw that you were fine. He marked the page in the book and got up. "Where were you?" Alex asked. You were confused, why was everyone so worried?

Jason pulled you close to him. "Where were you all day baby boy?" He asked and you told him all that you were doing all day. "Don't ever go out all day without telling us where you are going." Bruce scolded as you rolled your eyes. You felt like you were a little kid being told off by his parents for doing something bad. "Fine." You huffed and crossed your arms. Sam was in the shower when you walked in and joined him. You sighed and leaned your head against his chest.

"What's wrong darling?" He asked as he watched the warm water run down your body. "Nothing." You said as he lifted your chin up and kissed you softly. You gasped into his mouth as he picked you up and turned the shower off and got out as he pushed you against the wall. "Sam." You moaned softly as he sucked on your neck. "I need you Sammy." You groaned as he grabbed your cock and began pumping it in his hand. He began to finger your hole open and after you were loose enough you felt the head of his cock at your entrance.

He groaned as he felt the warmth of your insides around his cock. Once he bottomed out you moaned as he began to pound into you fast and hard. You gasped as you moaned loudly feeling another cock inside of you. You opened your eyes to see John. "Fuck you two are very loud." John smirked as he grunted and Sam and you both came as John didn't stop. He finally came and they both pulled out as you blushed.

"Come on baby, clean yourself up and put something nice on." John said as you looked at him confused. "We're all going to the movies." He said and they both left you to clean yourself up.

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