Chapter Ten

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You were wide awake as you couldn't sleep. The rain fell hard as thunder boomed and lightning crackled. You heard the door open as you quickly shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep. "Dad, are you awake?" You turned around and saw Alex and he ran up to you and got into bed as you pulled him close and he began to cry in your chest. "I don't like it, papa, make it stop." He cried as you began to sing him a lullaby. Quiet snores could be heard as you smiled and moved some of his H/C hair out of his face. You sighed and the door opened and Jason walked in. "Oh you're awake." He smiled softly as you glared at him and then looked down.

He sighed and made his way to you and got into the bed and smiled as he pulled you and Alex close to him. "I'm sorry." He whispered and you sighed. "Why did you do it?" You asked. "I just got angry but I should never have taken it out on you." He said and you smiled and kissed him softly. "It's ok. I forgive you." You breathed as you laid your head on his chest and actually drifted off to sleep. Jason smirked as he looked up at the ceiling. Because of this serum you actually believed their lies and that you were a happy family, just like how they wanted it to be...

It was a hot summer's day as Dean was shirtless and washing his car. You made some ice cream and made your way outside. "What you doing outside baby?" Dean asked as you smiled and showed him the bowl. "I made ice cream. Want some?" You asked and he smiled and grabbed the cloth and wiped his hands and took the bowl from you. "Wow, this is amazing baby." He grinned and you smiled as he got the spoon and a little bit of ice cream and wiped it on your nose.

You shook your head and he smiled as he put the bowl down and pulled you close to him and he kissed you. You gasped as he began to bite at your neck. You found yourself being pushed up against the hood of the car as Dean hoisted you on the car by your thighs and began to take off your shirt and then unbuckled your pants along with his. "Dean, we're outside." You gasped as you felt his hot and warm tongue inside of your ass.

"Shit Dean." You moaned loudly as he thrusted inside of you. "Yeah you like that? Love your ass being fucked?" He grunted as he pinned your wrists above your head and against the windshield. "Oh fuck." He gasped as he fucked you fast and hard. "Oh god I'm gonna cum. Dean, please let me cum." You pleaded as tears rolled down your face. "Hang on baby boy. I'm almost there." He said as he sped up and hit your prostate dead on. "Shit cum baby." He grunted and you came on your stomach. You panted as he pulled out and watched as his cum dripped out of your hole and on to the hood of the Impala.

"That was fucking hot." You both looked up and saw Sam and Damian. You blushed and looked down as they made there way over to you and let's just say you won't be able to walk for a couple of weeks after John, Jason, Tim, Cas, Bruce, Dick found out what you four were up to. Thank god the kids were at school and you were on private property.

You were fast asleep on Tim when the kids came home from school. "Shhh he's really tired alright." Dean chuckled as Cas told the kids to go and get out of their school clothes. You yawned as you woke up.

You looked around and saw Lily was coloring with Sam and Max was playing a game on Dean's phone while Alex was reading a book of shakespeare. You smiled at that. He really was a smart boy. "Morning." Jason laughed as you rolled your eyes and saw that it was 7:30. "How long did I sleep for?" You asked as you rubbed the rest of the sleep from your eyes. "6 hours." Bruce smirked as you blushed and looked away.

You were out shopping as Lily held your hand and Max was looking at all the sweets. "Can we get this dad?" Alex asked as he showed you a box of apples. "Sure we can." You smiled and you went and paid before you got in the car and drove off. You then remembered that it was Dick's birthday so you went to a different shop and got some things to make him a birthday cake.

You got home and luckily Dick wasn't there. Jason came downstairs in just a towel with his hair dripping wet. "Where did you go?" He asked as he felt himself getting angry that you had left the house with the kids. You smiled and the kids ran into the kitchen with the shopping as you made your way to Jason and ran your hand down his abs making a delightful shiver run up his spine. "Well we went shopping for groceries and then I remembered it was Dick's birthday today so we stopped at another shop and grabbed some supplies to make him a birthday cake." You leaned on your tippy toes and kissed him. You pulled away and he smiled as he watched you make your way into the kitchen.

He went into the laundry room and grabbed his clothes. You smiled as you got the cake out and placed some candles on it.

"Awww, thanks you four." Dick was so happy that you had remembered his birthday. And made him a cake. You all had a great time as you grabbed everyone's plates and did the washing up. "Dad can you read to me tonight?" Alex asked as you smiled. "Of course hon." You said as you sat on his bed with him and began reading. But Alex couldn't focus on the words. "Dad, I need to tell you something." He said making you stop and look at him. "What Alex?" You asked.

"John was the one who gave me the black eye and busted lip." He said and your eyes widened and anger was surging through you as you ran down the stairs.

This was not good... 

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