Chapter Eight

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Alex and his brother and sister went upstairs to see how their papa was doing. "Where's papa?" Max asked. The kids looked all around the house but couldn't find you anywhere. "We needed to tell daddy." Lily said as Alex shook his head. "No we can't because if we do then papa could get hurt by them." He said as he looked at his sister and brother. "But we have to." Max said. "Why did papa leave us? Does he not love us anymore?" Lily asked as tears rolled down her face. "No, we can't tell dads." He said and they jumped when they heard a voice. "Why is Lily crying?" Dean asked as he picked his daughter up. "Well papa is gone. He doesn't love us anymore." She cried into Dean's chest as John walked in and looked at Alex.

"What is she talking about?" He asked. "Y/N." John growled as Alex was picked up by Damian as Tim held Max. "I don't know, I swear dad. We came back and papa wasn't here." Alex cried as Tim hugged him. "It's alright Alex he's just angry and worried." He said softly. "I don't think papa loves us anymore." Lily whispered as Sam pulled her into his lap and gave her a juice box. "Now that is not true honey. We're gonna get him back. Whatever it takes." Damian said as they all nodded as Cas, Dick and Sam put them to bed and read them stories.

Alex was not gonna let them hurt you. He was gonna find you first, no matter what. It was four in the morning and Alex packed a bag and things that he needed and slowly and quietly made his way to his sister's room. "Lily." He whispered and shook her. "What Alex?" She asked and sat up rubbing her eyes.

"We're going to find papa and live with him." Alex said. "But what about our dads?" She asked and Alex sighed. "So." He said and the door opened as Jason stood in the doorway as Alex gulped. "Alex, why are you waking Lily up?" He asked. "I was just." Jason picked his son up and tucked Lily back into bed. "There we are sweetheart, just go back to bed." He said and she yawned and fell back asleep as Jason shut her door and made his way downstairs. "What were you going to do? And why did you wake Lily?" Bruce asked as Alex looked down and played with his hand nervously. "I'm going to find and live with papa and you're not going to stop me." He said and got up and ran for the door only to get picked up by Dick. He screamed and kicked as he struggled against him. "No you're not. You are going to stay here and we are going to bring him home and you are going to stay here do you understand?" John yelled. "I hate all of you." He screamed as he cried just wanting to be with you. Tim sighed as he stood up and went into the kitchen and grabbed a needle. "Sorry we have to do this to you son." Jason said as Alex whimpered and his vision got blurry as he tried to fight the sleeping drug.

This fight was becoming hard as he laid his head on Jason's shoulder and fell asleep. Bruce sighed as Jason stood up and took his son back to bed. "When we find Y/N I'm gonna punish him so bad that he'll wish he stayed." Dick said having enough of you. All they wanted was to have a family with you which they got along with a happy life, which you keep ruining.

"Y/N. Y/N wake up." You groaned as your eyes fluttered open and you sat up and saw that you were in a bed and the same man that had saved you was standing right in front of you.

"Your home now Y/N." He said and took you downstairs to see other vampires. "Y/N." An elderly woman smiled and walked over hugging you. She had brown hair and brown eyes. "Who are you?" You asked and she smiled. "We are your parents' organization and we help and protect vampires that just want to be free." She said when a man came over to you. "And we heard about your family and everything you had been through." He said and you looked down. "But you don't have to worry about all of that now." The same boy said.

You nodded but there was a pang in your chest about leaving your kids but also the guys. You didn't know why. You were sitting on the couch with some of the young vampires. "I think I'm gonna go to bed." You mumbled as you made your way upstairs. You sighed as tears rolled down your face. You didn't know what to do as you missed your kids dearly. And you wasn't the only one that missed you.

"No." Alex yelled as Dean picked him up. This was his 10th attempt at trying to leave the manor. He tried his hardest to try and find you but everytime one of them would find him. "Right, I have had enough of your behavior young man." Dick said as he grabbed Alex and pushed him in the batcave and down into a little room. "NO dad please don't leave me in here it's dark. I don't like the dark." He whimpered as he banged on the door.

"No Alex. Now you will not be coming out of there until you think about what you have done wrong." Dick said as he left the crying boy alone. Alex screamed and screamed until his throat and lungs were hoarse as he went to a corner of the room.

He slid down the wall and he fell asleep immediately. He just wanted to be with you. Why couldn't you have taken him with you?...

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