Chapter Five

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Your eyes fluttered open as you groaned. The covers rolled off your naked body as you rubbed your eyes. You felt a warm body next to you and you looked away from the man and got up as you sighed and went to leave the bed only to yelp as you fell on the floor. You whimpered and looked, seeing that your legs were, broken? "Y/N what are you doing on the floor?" You looked up and saw John. "What did you do?" You asked. "Oh I broke your legs." He said as he got up and went into the bathroom. You had to wait for him to finish whatever he was doing before he came back and picked you up taking you downstairs.

You were eating your breakfast quietly as you didn't want to speak. You had to rely on them for everything. Why did John have to break your legs? You sighed as you were laying in bed with Alex, Max and Lily. "I'm sorry you guys won't be able to go out into the world." You whispered as Alex looked up at you and tilted his head before laughing. They probably had no idea what you were going on about. When your legs healed you were determined to get out of this awful place.

You were in the bath with Alex as he giggled. You both played with bubbles and had a great time. "You two finished?" Damian asked as you sighed and he helped you out. Jason was bored out of his mind as he decided to go and play with Max. You wanted to go out and do stuff but they wouldn't let you.

"Papa, look at the picture I drew." You smiled at Lily as she gave you the picture. You picked her up and she giggled. "I want to go outside." Alex groaned as Jason put him on the couch. "And like we have all told you four a million times, it's dangerous."

You rolled your eyes. It has been 3 years and every time you tried to escape nothing worked. They would always find you and the kids. You picked Lily up and walked out.

It was a warm day as you sat in the coffee shop. You had managed to get the kids out without any of them seeing you. "Wow papa, this place is big." Max said in amazement. You smiled as your body felt warm as you finally got out. "Hey, why don't we go and get ice cream?" You asked. "What's Ice cream?" Alex asked as you only smiled and took them to the ice cream place.

You were tucking them in and they were so happy after the day they had. "You three have to promise not to tell daddy." You said as they nodded. "Don't tell daddy what?" You jumped as you saw Jason leaning against the door frame. "Nothing." You said. "We went out and to a coffee shop, then we went to a park and then got ice cream." Lily giggled as Jason smiled. "That's great honey. Goodnight you three." Jason said as he grabbed you and shut their bedroom door.

He dragged you to his room and threw you on the bed. "How many times do we have to tell you?" He growled and Dick walked in. "What's going on?" He asked as Jason told him what you did. "Why?" He asked. "All I did was take the kids out. It wasn't a big deal I came back." You yelled only to get slapped. "Don't talk to us like that." Dick said. You looked down and Jason gripped your chin. "I'm tired. Can I just go to sleep?" You asked. "No." They said.

You drove the car out of Gotham as the kids slept in the back. You smiled as you left Gotham and them behind. That must have been where you were going wrong. You always tried to buy a place in Gotham, not out of it. You sighed as you came to a small town. The car stopped and you got out seeing there was a hole in the tire.

"You alright there?" You looked seeing a handsome man with soft green eyes and fluffy blonde hair. "No. It's kinda a long story. I'm not from around here and I've got nowhere to go and." You opened the door to reveal your sleeping children. The man smiled softly. "Come on, you can stay at my place. How long you been driving?" He asked. "12 hours non stop." You mumbled. "You must be starving, come on." He said as you picked up Max and Lily while he picked up Alex and put them in the back of the car.

He drove to a nice looking place and got out. You smiled as you turned the light off and headed downstairs. "Thank you for this." You said and the man who's name is Jack smiled. "Hey It's no big deal. I'm just sorry you went through all that." You didn't know what came over you as you hugged him and cried. "Hey it's ok." He said and hugged you. You fell asleep on Jack as he smiled and picked you up and took you to his room.

He laid you in the bed and he was gonna leave but you grabbed his wrist and whimpered. You were still asleep. "Please don't leave me. I don't want them to get me." You whimpered as he looked at you. He got into his bed and you sighed softly as you laid your head on his chest. He found himself smiling and falling asleep.

"Fuck sake." John yelled as he smashed a bottle. "Calm down dad." Sam said. "How the fuck can he calm down Sam? Y/n and our kids have been gone for 9 months." Dean yelled. "We normally can find him by now." Dick said. "We have searched everywhere in Gotham." Damian growled. "Where could they be?" Jason asked. They didn't know what to do without you and the kids.

You gasped as Jack licked and sucked your neck. "Oh god Jack." Jack pinned you up against the bathroom sink as you moaned. "I've waited 6 months to do this." He whispered in your ear. You shivered and smiled as he slowly entered you. "Oh fuck yes." You pulled him close to you as he pounded into you. "I'm gonna cum Jack." You whined as Jack gave you hickeys and put his hands on the wall and thrusted up into you faster. "Me too, let's cum together baby boy." He grunted as he came and you came on your chest. You panted as he pulled out of you. Cum dripped from your hole as you blushed. "I love you Jack." You said as he cleaned you both up and laid you down in bed. "I love you to Y/N." You smiled as you was finally home with the man that you loved.

Not knowing that this story was going to take a dark turn...

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