Chapter 16, "Goodbye to the me, to whom I once knew innocence."

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I took the knife and I started by stabbing him in the left leg, which woke him up.. His eyes were full of shock when he saw me with a knife, he tried to get up, but the handcuffs and tape prevented it. He tried to speak but the duct tape was in the way, he looked like he was in pain, I was smiling at that.. I then ripped the knife out of his leg, where he looked even more fragile.

I moved closer to his face area, I put the knife in his arm for a moment in which cased a muffled scream.

I had a chill in my spine for only a moment, before I decided to do something I never initially planned on.. I moved my hand towards his face, and towards his right eyeball..

I pushed my fingers into his left eye socket and yanked his eyeball out, I then pulled the tape off his mouth.

He was screaming, and then I shoved the eye in his mouth.

"Swallow it." I said, he shook his head violently and tried to push it out his mouth with his tongue.

I glared! "If you move so much you'll kill yourself faster."

I put my finger into his mouth, pushing the eyeball deeper into his mouth.

"Swallow." I said once again..

He tried, but failed due to his position so I yanked him by the hair to sit him up.

"Swallow it, or I'll make this more painful than it has to be."

He tried again, failed so I dropped him and grabbed a bottle of vinegar, and a thing of salt from the counter.

I went back to him, removed the eye from his mouth and took the knife from his arm.

An intense scream began, but I shoved my fingers down his throat to shut him up. He was choking, and once I had enough I pulled my fingers out.

"You.. w..hat Are you... doing...?!" He asked, nearly a scream.

"Revenge." I said smiling, taking the knife and putting small cut's on his upper mouth and tongue.

I put the eyeball back inside his mouth and poured the vinegar inside. He screamed but it was muffled, I smiled.

"Cmon, swallow it."

It took a while but he swallowed it, it got somewhat stuck in his throat so I pushed on his neck and punched it through until he stopped choking.

I then put my fingers back into his mouth and grabbed his tongue, grabbing the knife again and cutting it off.

As he started screaming I stepped on his neck so air couldn't get in as I re-duct taped his mouth shut. I removed my foot from his neck, I decided to make him suffer more and stared cutting his skin, slitting his legs and arms so many times. Stabbing his arms and legs for a final time before I decided I was done with torture.

I started laughing looking at his face, seeing how much pain he was in

"Goodbye." I said stabbing him in the throat, watching him bleed out wasn't enough for me.. I wanted to destroy him entirely..

I pulled the tape off his mouth and began cutting the skin of his face off, I put it on the floor once I was done.

Then I waited a while and grabbed one of those cooking hammer mom uses on meat before I stabbed him in the stomach, cutting the skin off and breaking any bone that was in my way and I pushed through his organs before using the knife to cut out his stomach.

Stomach acid is strong, so I had to be careful. I carefully removed it and placed it on top of his face, I then stepped back and grabbed the knife stabbing the organ, pulling the knife out quickly and backing up for safety, watching the acid begin dissolving what was left of his face I then stabbed him in the leg and putting the hammer down on the floor, I decided to clean my mothers shoes but I made certain that the blood would be sound in investigation, I put the clothes in the washer.

Still 4 hours until moms home so I have time.

I took everything out the dryer and put them away carefully, but then took my moms diary and went to yesterday which she forgot to write for.

I used my pencil which is identical to moms and wrote in moms handwriting about how I was planning to kill him, but using words she would use. Once I was done I put it back and took my pencil to my room in the basement and locked myself in so I wouldn't be a suspect and I took a nap. I felt no remorse, nor guilt for what I had done.

Once mom came home, I heard a scream which woke me up so I ran up the stairs and tried opening the door which I knew wouldn't open.

"Mama?!" I banged on the door, fake sobbing.

"Mama what's going on!? Why are you screaming!?"

"Darling.. don't come out... I-it's not safe out here.." she said.

"O-okay.." I said, going back down to my room.

I heard sirens soon after.

The police came down to my room and asked me things like if I heard anything, of course I lied and said I did but that he had locked me in the basement before whatever happened occurred.

Mom went to court for it, and was arrested and put on death row.

When she was to be executed I was allowed to watch so I did.

She was looking at me just before she was killed, so I smiled and flipped her off in a way nobody else would notice moments before she was killed before resuming to my scared, crying facade. Screaming for my mother and crying into the arms of the officer who had been watching me.

And that was the story.

And it's not the end of my story, as I still feel no regret for it.


Words; 1581

Ruikasa; A Tragedy Turned to LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя