Chapter 1

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Wei Ying had been living in the mountains with the Dafan Wen family for some time now. After the tragic events that had occurred, they had decided to start a new life in the secluded area, away from the prying eyes of society. Wei Ying had been the one to build the barrier that surrounded their new home, making sure that it was strong enough to keep even the most powerful cultivators out.

One day, Wei Ying had to go down to Yiling town to buy some supplies and a specific type of potato that Wen Qing had requested. As he was wandering through the town, he came across a familiar face - Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan had told him that he was in Yiling for night hunting, but Wei Ying couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to it.

Lan Zhan had always been an enigma to Wei Ying. They had known each other for a long time, but Lan Zhan had always kept a certain distance from him. But now, as they stood face to face in the small town, Wei Ying couldn't help but feel a spark of something between them.

"Why don't we have dinner together?" Lan Zhan had suggested. "I can't drink alcohol because of my low resistance, but I would still like to spend some time with you."

Wei Ying had agreed, and they had found a small inn to dine in. As they sat and talked, Wei Ying couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with Lan Zhan. It was as if they had known each other for a lifetime. But as they were finishing their meal, Lan Zhan had made a mistake and had accidentally drunk a glass of wine.

In an instant, Lan Zhan had passed out, and Wei Ying had panicked. But after a few minutes, Lan Zhan had woken up, and to Wei Ying's surprise, he had confessed his feelings for him.

"I've been in love with you for a long time, Wei Ying," Lan Zhan had said, his eyes shining with emotion.

Wei Ying had been stunned, but he couldn't deny the way his heart had skipped a beat at Lan Zhan's words. They had ended up renting a room for the night, and as soon as the door had closed behind them, Lan Zhan had pinned Wei Ying against the door and kissed him with an intensity that had taken his breath away.

They had made love that night, and as Wei Ying lay there in Lan Zhan's arms, he couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness that he hadn't felt in a long time. But as the night turned into morning, Wei Ying knew that he had to leave. He couldn't let Lan Zhan be dragged down with him, not when his reputation was at stake.

So, he had dressed Lan Zhan and cleaned the room before leaving, without waking him up. As he walked back to the mountains, Wei Ying couldn't help but hope that Lan Zhan wouldn't remember what had happened that night. But deep down, he knew that the memories of that night would stay with him forever.

When Lan Zhan woke up the next morning, he initially thought it was all just a dream. He couldn't believe that the events of the previous night had actually happened. He had confessed his feelings to Wei Ying and they had shared an intimate night together. But as he looked around the room, he realized that it had been real and the memories of the night before came flooding back to him.

He quickly got dressed and left the inn, feeling a mix of emotions. He was elated that Wei Ying had returned his feelings but also worried about how their relationship would be perceived by society. He knew that Wei Ying's reputation was at stake and he didn't want to be the one to bring him down.

As he made his way back to Gusu Lan sect, he couldn't help but think about Wei Ying and the time they had spent together. He knew that he had to put it behind him and focus on his duties as a cultivator, but the memories of the night before stayed with him.

Meanwhile, Wei Ying had returned to the mountains and was keeping himself busy by making talismans that could potentially wake Wen Ning from his coma. He knew that it was important to focus on the present, but he couldn't stop thinking about the night he had shared with Lan Zhan. He knew that he couldn't let his feelings for Lan Zhan consume him, but it was hard to push them aside.

As the days passed, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying couldn't help but think about each other and wonder what could have been. They were both torn between their feelings and their responsibilities. They both knew that society would never accept their relationship and they couldn't risk tarnishing their reputations. But they couldn't help but wonder if they had made the right decision.

To be Continued 😁

Hello so this story follows the mdzs storyline but I've changed a lot of scenes here, I'm not sure how many chapters i could write in this book but it's a semi-short long story haha 😆😆
How's the story so far? Do you like it? I'm still working on the next chapters i want to make it a bit longer but let's see.

I hope you will support this newest book of mine. Stay safe and healthy everyone xoxo 😘😘😘
Best Regards

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