Chapter 2

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A month had passed since Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's encounter in Yiling town, and life had returned to a sense of normalcy for both of them. But one day, Wei Ying suddenly collapsed. The Dafan Wen family were quick to react and Wen Qing, who was known to be the best medic in the Wen sect, was the first to check on him.

To everyone's surprise, Wen Qing discovered that Wei Ying was pregnant. It was a shock to everyone, as Wei Ying had never shown any signs of being with child. But as they looked back on the events of the past month, they realized that Wei Ying's sudden illness and collapse were likely due to the pregnancy.

Wei Ying was in a state of shock and confusion. He couldn't believe that he was pregnant and didn't know what to do. He couldn't understand how it had happened, but he knew that he couldn't hide it forever. He knew that he had to tell Lan Zhan about the pregnancy.

He sent a letter to Lan Zhan, explaining the situation and asking him to come to the mountains as soon as possible. When Lan Zhan received the letter, he was equally shocked and confused. He had never thought that their encounter would have such consequences.

But he knew that he couldn't ignore the situation and decided to go to the mountains to talk to Wei Ying. When he arrived, he was greeted by the Dafan Wen family and was taken to see Wei Ying. They sat and talked for hours, discussing their options and trying to come to a decision about what to do.

In the end, they both knew that they couldn't ignore the reality of the situation. They were going to have a child together and they had to find a way to make it work. They knew that it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to make it work.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying had decided to keep the pregnancy a secret, knowing that society would not look kindly on their relationship. Wei Ying's reputation as the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation would be tarnished even further if it was known that he was pregnant and had a child out of wedlock. Meanwhile, Lan Zhan was the second young master of a prestigious sect and his reputation would also be affected if the truth was known.

They knew that they had to be careful and keep the pregnancy a secret as long as possible. They made a plan to raise the child in the mountains, away from prying eyes and judgmental glances. Wen Qing, who was an expert in medicine, would be in charge of taking care of Wei Ying during the pregnancy and would also be responsible for delivering the baby.

As the months passed, Wei Ying's belly began to grow bigger and bigger. The Dafan Wen family were the only ones who knew about the pregnancy, and they were sworn to secrecy. The secrecy was hard on Wei Ying, as he couldn't share the joys and excitement of the pregnancy with anyone else. But he knew that it was necessary to protect his child and his relationship with Lan Zhan.

Finally, the day of the birth arrived, and Wen Qing successfully delivered a healthy baby boy. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were overjoyed, and they knew that they had made the right decision to keep the pregnancy a secret.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan named their first son Lan Yuan, and gave him a courtesy name of Lan Sizhui. They were overjoyed to have a healthy baby boy and they knew that they had made the right decision to keep the pregnancy a secret.

However, after Sizhui was born, Wei Ying still felt pain in his stomach. Wen Qing, who had just finished cleaning him, knew something was not right, and decided to check him again. To everyone's surprise, she discovered that Wei Ying had given birth to another healthy baby boy.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were overjoyed and couldn't believe that they were blessed with two healthy baby boys. They named the second boy Lan Ji, and gave him a courtesy name of Lan Jingyi. They were grateful for the Dafan Wen family's help and support throughout the pregnancy and birth, and knew that they couldn't have done it without them.

They were determined to raise both their sons together and make a life for themselves and their family, away from the judgmental eyes of society. They knew that it would be a challenging journey, but they were willing to do whatever it takes to protect and provide for their children.

They kept their children a secret, only allowing a select few people to know about their existence. They did their best to provide a normal life for them, and gave them a good education, teaching them the ways of cultivation.

Years passed and the Lan brothers grew up to be fine young men, both of them inheriting their father's talents and their mother's kindness. They both grew up to be respected cultivators in their own right, and their parents were proud of the men they had become. Despite the challenges they faced, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were grateful for the life they had built together and the love they shared with their sons.

Back in Gusu Lan sect, Grand Master Lan Qiren, Lan Zhan's uncle, couldn't help but wonder why his nephew kept going on night hunts. He knew that Lan Zhan was an accomplished cultivator and that night hunting was a dangerous practice, so he couldn't understand why he would risk his life for it. He decided to ask his older nephew, the current sect leader Lan Huan, who went by the courtesy name Lan Xichen, for an explanation.

Lan Xichen, who had always been close to Lan Zhan, was aware of the real reason behind his night hunts. He knew that Lan Zhan was secretly visiting Wei Ying and their children in the mountains, but he couldn't reveal the truth to his uncle without risking Lan Zhan's reputation and the safety of his family.

So, he came up with a cover story, telling his uncle that Lan Zhan had taken an interest in night hunting and that it was a way for him to improve his skills as a cultivator. He also mentioned that Lan Zhan had taken a vow of abstinence from alcohol and that night hunting was a way for him to channel his energy.

Grand Master Lan Qiren, though not completely convinced, accepted his nephew's explanation, knowing that Lan Xichen would not lie to him. He did not question Lan Zhan's night hunting again.

Lan Zhan, who was aware of his uncle's inquiry, was grateful for Lan Xichen's loyalty and discretion. He knew that his uncle meant well, but revealing the truth would put his family at risk. He continued to visit Wei Ying and his children in secret, and although he couldn't be with them openly, he was content knowing that they were safe and happy.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's secret family and their love story, was known only to a select few, but it was a secret that they would always hold dear in their hearts.

To be Continued 😁

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