Chapter 6

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Crystal's pov

I feel so bad for kissing Sam

right in front of Kian. So the

next day I got a stuffed bear

that says I'm sorry and

started to drive to his house.

I knocked on the door and

the door opened revealing a

sad Kian with bloodshot

eyes. He's crying because of

me. When he saw me he just

stared at me not saying

'hello' or anything. "Kian I'm

really sorry... I got you this

bear..." I said handing him

the bear. He looked at the

bear and looked at me. He

didn't say anything to me.

"Wishbone!" He called and

when Wishbone came he

gave Wishbone the bear and

he tore it up. Sam was so

wrong Kian wouldn't

understand. He was giving

me the silent treatment. I

really like him too. This is all

Sam's fault. I haven't even

been in Cali for a month and I

already made someone hate

me. Like I said All. Sam's.

Fault. Kian's giving me the

silent treatment so I'm giving

Sam the silent treatment. I

started to walk towards my

car when Sam started to pull

in the driveway. "Hey

Crystal!" He said getting out

of his car. I just rolled my

eyes at him. Really? It's his

fault that Kian isn't talking to

me. I know I told him I wasn't

mad at him but deep down

inside I really was. "What?" I

didn't answer him. I just got

in my car and drove away. I

looked in my rear view mirror

and saw him with a sad

expression spread upon his

face. I feel bad but it's his

fault the person I like hates


Sam's pov

I went to Kian's to apologize

and to explain that it was all

my fault and not Crystal's. I

pull into the driveway to say

hi but she totally ignored me.

I was really confused and

sad at the same time. I

knocked on the door and Jc

answered it and I walked into

the living room where Kian

was. Man he was a wreck.

"Kian listen it's all my fault I

kissed her don't hate her

because of me. I know you're

like in love with her so just

please forgive her and uh

what's that?" I asked

pointing at the cotton on the

floor. I saw a small shirt that

said I'm sorry on it and

realized Crystal probably

gave it to him and he gave it

to Wishbone.

"I'm just so upset. I really like

her. Then she kissed you. An-"

"Correction I kissed her."

"I'm such an idiot..." He said

with his face in his hands.

"Do you like her too?" He


"No... I just got caught in the

moment." I lied. I do like her

but Kian really likes her. I

never seen him this upset

over a girl. I can't do this to

Hi! This is really short... But thanks for reading! Comment and vote!

Cali Bound||Kian LawleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang