"Hey! Both of you stop being so gloomy!" Paimon grits her teeth at the two.

"You're right!" Yoimiya sprung up which caused even Aether to spring up with shock at the sudden action. "I've been waiting to show you these fireworks for a while now! Already knowing what I wanted to show you isn't gonna ruin this! The firework festival doesn't officially begin until 6:00 so I'd recommend you two look around for a while and talk with the locals but given your condition, Aether. Take a break so you can be energized for the fun!" She went ahead towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Paimon asked. "Don't you just leave us here!"

"Relax, I still got things to do myself. We'll meet once the festival starts!" Yoimiya waved goodbye as she left. The sound of the door closing was heard as Paimon and Aether stared in silence at the spot Yoimiya was seen before she disappeared.

"Well...what do you want to do?" Paimon turned to look at Aether who slowly got up.

"Let's go talk to the locals then for the time being."

"You sure?" Paimon stared with surprise as she frowned. "Yoimiya said it herself to take a break given your condition. It's fine to just wait around here for a while. Don't push yourself." Her constant bickering with her partner in arms turned to that of concern. They're friends after all! And she wants to make sure Aether isn't forcing himself. She doesn't want him passing out on her.

"Even so, perhaps some of the locals need help." Aether frowned.

"See? This is why you're like this in the first place!" Paimon cutely stomped her foot in the air as she floated next to him and placed her hands on his face. "Don't worry about the others needing help, you worry about yourself first! And what I mean is that you should just relax."

"Mm..." Aether melted from Paimon's touch as he closed his eyes. "Your small hands are soft."

"Hehe... Paimon thinks she prefers you this way." Paimon blushed happily. After all, she's been getting complimented left and right. It truly makes her feel happy at the praise. "Well, you go on ahead and sleep. I'll go look around the place to see if the locals are planning anything interesting for the festival so that we can have an idea of what to do once the festival begins."

"What happened to saying that I've slept enough?" Aether asked with a small smirk. "Or did you have a change of heart?"

"Of course I did! While I don't appreciate you doing nothing but sleeping, you can't help it! Besides I don't want to force you into anything you don't wanna do right now..." Paimon said with a sigh. "Anyway, rest up! I'll go scout for things to do in the festival once it's time!" She went ahead and flew away leaving Aether alone.

"She went up and ditched me, huh?" Aether mumbled while putting his hands on his hips. "If I had known any better, I would've thought that she was Lumine the way she abandoned me right now." Once again he was left behind, unaware that deep within the Abyss, a high-pitched cry came from his little sister as she sensed something wrong once again while her subjects wondered why their Princess had been so emotional lately.

Laying down he stared at the ceiling with a blank look as his plush sat by him as he closed his eyes. "Just you and me now." Aether turned his head to look at the plush which was odd in its case but didn't mind it much. "I'll take a quick nap so that the festival can come... Plus I'll need all the rest I can to walk around later." He softly grumbled as he let out a yawn and groaned softly. He rolls over to his side and closes his eyes, the last thing he sees is the P.U.G. staring right at him as he lets out a small smile.

Even a plush can wash away the feeling of loneliness that can flow throw you. Actually...that's kind of depressing now that I think of it. Aether shook at the depressing thought.

Listless Reset [GI]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora