CHAPTER 815 TO 825

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815. Adventure in the Forest (1)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Surrounded by a few of Ji Anguos old subordinates, Lou Yu was chatting with them.

Seeing Lou Yu was surrounded by others now, Lou Sheng had some kind of complicated feeling in his heart.

Obviously Lou Yu was his son, they should be the most close people in the world, however, the fact is they were like strangers, Lou Yu was even better to a stranger than him.

Lou Sheng heaved a sigh. Sometimes, once you missed something, you could never get it back.

Finally getting rid of the passionate crowd, Lou Yu and Mo Fei set a seal around the boarders of the Sunset Forest. Once any star beasts over level line touched the seal, the seal would automatically kill them.

Lou Yu and other peoples return caused a great sensation. For a time, those who meant to set up a relationship with Lou Yu and others were all ready to do something.

Lou Yu and others all checked in General Zhengs mansion, so people kept visiting the mansion, which really bothered Zheng Hong.

After taking a potion from Mo Fei, Zheng Hong found that the hidden injuries almost got all healed.

Xuan, you mean Yiyi is pregnant? Zheng Hong asked excitedly.

Zheng Xuan nodded, Yes, Yiyi is pregnant.

Zheng Hongs eyes flashed with joy, Terrific! Our Zheng family has offspring!

Zheng Xuan nodded, Yes! Now the situation in the central mainland is a little complicated. I plan to wait until Yiyi gives birth and then wed leave. I can also take the time to consolidate my cultivation.

Zheng Hong rubbed his hands while saying, It should be so, you have been wandering outside all these years. Its time to take some rest. Dont wear yourself out.

Zheng Xuan smiled to Zheng Hong, I know, grandpa.

Oh right, Yiyi is pregnant. How about the third crown princess and Su Rong? Zheng Hong asked.

Zheng Xuan said kind of cockily, Still no news. I am the best!

Zheng Hong laughed, patted Zheng Xuan on the shoulder and said triumphantly, Yeah, of course. You get ahead of the third prince and that shemale Qian Ye! I know my grandson is the best!

Zheng Xuan nodded, Certainly.

Lou Yu and Qian Ye stood outside the door, looking at each other.

Zheng Xuan the asshole really deserves a good beat! Qian Yes face turned hideous.

Lou Yu nodded, they reached a rare agreement, Definitely!

Feifei, yesterday, people of Jing family came to apologize to Jing Chen, saying theyd return the company to him. Yan Chen blinked.

Mo Fei rolled his eyes and said, Quick move!

Yan Chen rolled his eyes, They are all fence-sitters! Before, when they threw Yan Chen out of the family, one looked more ferocious than another. But now, they are competing to be toadeaters.

Mo Fei smiled helplessly and said, For that kind of person, just ignore them.

Enough of them! Makes me feel disgusted. Oh right, Feifei, where have you been all these years? asked Yan Chen.

Mo Fei shrugged his shoulders, We have been to a far, far place, called central mainland.

Yan Chen pouted his mouth and said, Central mainland? What kind of place is that?

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